Actually many Muslims and the Nazis got along quite well in the 20th century and formed cooperative relationships. Since you like to quote Hitler, here's one for you:
"It’s been our misfortune to have the wrong religion," Hitler complained to his pet architect Albert Speer. "Why did it have to be Christianity, with its meekness and flabbiness?" This, Hitler argued, was "much more suited to the Germanic temperament than the Jewish filth and priestly twaddle of Christianity."
But you did get the first part of my statement right Jimminy.
Islam, and the Muslims who practice it, are a detriment to Western Civilization. True.
The rest you just concocted and flung at me. I never said Muslims were "blind of your God." You said that, not me. And, I disagree with the assertion you posit in which every Muslim is "blind of your God." In fact, I believe a great many Muslims knowingly and willfully reject the true knowledge of God found in the Christian worldview.
And, of course, it's infantile to quote Adolf Hitler for the purpose of this discussion. How about I quote Joseph Stalin and then equate you with him.
Is Joseph Stalin one accurate source and portrayal of the left? Yes, he is. But is Stalin an accurate portrayal of your own leftist views? No, he's not. So it's erroneous to say that he is and infantile to even engage in the behavior.
If you really want to learn what Adolph Hitler (whom I detest along with Stalin) believed, CBN gave an accurate presentation of that wicked man here:
Was Adolf Hitler a Christian? - a report on How Hitler Viewed God - The 700 Club |
And though I don't have a problem with that quote you've assigned to me, it is unsourced so please provide the link to it so that we can view it in context.
The bottom line here is that you need to grow up and cease engaging in fallacious tactics or your integrity and credibility here are going to begin to suffer.
I strongly suggest that you begin to address and substantiate your erroneous argument, at some point, that orthodox Islamic epistemology and those who adhere to it pose no material threat to Western Civilization which is an argument that I can and have many times dismantled and refuted.