Is bf on SSI through his parents or himself? If through his parents, that means he has to work through Social Security to be the payee. Assuming he's on it because of his blindness, that shouldn't be too hard.
If your bf can't save to move out, that means he's probably his own payee and much of his money goes to rent and utilities to his parents/landlords. If that's true, then that's good. He can try for Section 8 through HUD.
Of course, that's also bad, because the waiting list only comes in two varieties -- long and very long. (Long is if you don't live near any major cities. Very long is if you do.)
There's a third choice too. Do you live near any colleges? If you do, then that would mean there's cheap housing near campus. (There is always cheap housing near campuses, because the only people willing to live near rowdy college students are other rowdy college students or people so broke they don't have a second choice.)
BUT, if you're bf finds cheap housing he could afford, if he wasn't paying rent and utilities to his parents, then the only thing that would be needed is for you and he to find part time jobs where you can save up together to afford the deposit and the first 2 months rent. (It might be less than two months rent, but if it is, that's a good thing, because he'll need furnishing, and you can't get all that through
So start by really looking in the area for a place he could afford. True, if you can find such a place now, and then you have to save to afford it, it shouldn't be available by the time you save, (and if it is, be alarmed, because something is very wrong with it if the landlord can't get new tenants that quickly. For instance, I found such a place once, and it would do, but when I left after looking at it, my ankles itched. When I got home, I figured out why -- fleas. Not good), but it will give you a number to figure out how much you need to get him on his own.
The best way to find such housing is networking, not listings. Ask friends and family, and then ask them to ask their friends and family. Some of our best apartments were never listed. We got them, because either our friends trusted us to be good tenants or trusted their friends who trusted us to be good tenants.
There are ways out. It will take time. You will need to help. But, as far as respecting his Dad? I wouldn't count on that too much. He's not respecting, so that lowers the level of respect he should get. Treat him like you'd treat any stranger you don't know -- polite and cordial. He's not your dad. He's not your friend.