ohkay so at my school we have "gangs" and everyone is supposed to be scared?? i mean its like a little dress up thing at my school, you where your colours (just like some exstreme preps do) and you all sag to match?
recently gangs have commited there attention to saying there catholic by wearing the virgen mary on there pants or whatever they can thing of.. well i don't' know alot about catholics and if anyone would like to explain it to me feel free to, but the virgen mary is not the only god they commit to, they make "swears" well i strictly remember mathew 5:36... it striaght up says "do not swear" and well i take that to heart and now you have kids adults and teenagers all saying swear but thats not going to be in this topic that'l be in another, but lets get back on track they make swears to other gods so i would consider this a cult
, and if someone hears the word "cult" they think of a false God taking over someones mind, but gang people can still be changed! dont be afraid *Philippians 4:6-7, and allso menchions in joshua chapter 1*
But is what i am trying to get by you is ..
ohkay picture this you got this gang dude that walks the walk and talks the talk and know everything about being a blood.. or a crip.. or whatever gang there in but here is the truth behind all of that macho man and whatever they think they are..
They are extremely smart.. I tell you the truth that just about every gang person i know can make straight a's easy! without even effort, but they choose not to because it might ruin there "rep"
Well here are a couple verses that i would like to add as i always do..
These verses are about being in a cult, *gang*
Deuteronomy 18:20-22:
"any prophet who falsely claims that his message is from me [God], shall die. And any prophet who claims to give a message from other gods must die. ' if you wonder, ' How shall we know when there prophecy is from the Lord or not?' this is the way to know: If the thing he prophesies doesn't happen, it is not the Lord who has given him a message; he has made it up himself. You have nothing to fear from him."
ohkay, lets talk about this verse,
first you may ask "whats a prophet?
well i looked up the dictionary results and...
1. a person who speaks for God or a deity, or by divine inspiration. 2. (in the Old Testament) a. a person chosen to speak for God and to guide the people of Israel: Moses was the greatest of Old Testament prophets. b. (often initial capital letter
) one of the Major or Minor Prophets. c. one of a band of ecstatic visionaries claiming divine inspiration and, according to popular belief, possessing magical powers. d. a person who practices divination.
well one that sticks out to me is C. where it says, possessing magical powers, ohkay now so you got this gang perosn come up to you and say "i can beat you up" or "i am going to beat you up"
they are claiming that they have the power to defeat you, and they brag so much about themselves as though they possess magical powers, am i correct? and it says... How shall we know whether the prophecy is from the Lord or not? he says if he the thing that he prophesies doesn't hapen it is not the lord who has givin him the message; he has mad it up himself. you have nothing to fear from him
well think do those gang people ever even show up a fraction of what they say? NO! they are just alot of talk, and before that the verse talks about how if any prophet who claims to give a message from other gods must die, wow? and we wonder why we have the drug war? war being a place of action and death, now i do feel bad for those who must be there fighting for the face of good, but it is simply there time to go, so dont fear FOURTH YOU HAVE NOTHING TO FEAR!! GOD IS ALWAYS WATCHING YOU,
and while on this speak of death i must add do not fear death fourth how amazing and glorious to die! and leave our bodies to see our savior! now i am not saying go do suciued but live your partail human life as long as possible spread the gospel! and just pray! live! and remember who died for you * fourth he had alot more to give up than our simple human life*
recently gangs have commited there attention to saying there catholic by wearing the virgen mary on there pants or whatever they can thing of.. well i don't' know alot about catholics and if anyone would like to explain it to me feel free to, but the virgen mary is not the only god they commit to, they make "swears" well i strictly remember mathew 5:36... it striaght up says "do not swear" and well i take that to heart and now you have kids adults and teenagers all saying swear but thats not going to be in this topic that'l be in another, but lets get back on track they make swears to other gods so i would consider this a cult
, and if someone hears the word "cult" they think of a false God taking over someones mind, but gang people can still be changed! dont be afraid *Philippians 4:6-7, and allso menchions in joshua chapter 1*
But is what i am trying to get by you is ..
ohkay picture this you got this gang dude that walks the walk and talks the talk and know everything about being a blood.. or a crip.. or whatever gang there in but here is the truth behind all of that macho man and whatever they think they are..
They are extremely smart.. I tell you the truth that just about every gang person i know can make straight a's easy! without even effort, but they choose not to because it might ruin there "rep"
Well here are a couple verses that i would like to add as i always do..
These verses are about being in a cult, *gang*
Deuteronomy 18:20-22:
"any prophet who falsely claims that his message is from me [God], shall die. And any prophet who claims to give a message from other gods must die. ' if you wonder, ' How shall we know when there prophecy is from the Lord or not?' this is the way to know: If the thing he prophesies doesn't happen, it is not the Lord who has given him a message; he has made it up himself. You have nothing to fear from him."
ohkay, lets talk about this verse,
first you may ask "whats a prophet?
well i looked up the dictionary results and...
1. a person who speaks for God or a deity, or by divine inspiration. 2. (in the Old Testament) a. a person chosen to speak for God and to guide the people of Israel: Moses was the greatest of Old Testament prophets. b. (often initial capital letter

well one that sticks out to me is C. where it says, possessing magical powers, ohkay now so you got this gang perosn come up to you and say "i can beat you up" or "i am going to beat you up"
they are claiming that they have the power to defeat you, and they brag so much about themselves as though they possess magical powers, am i correct? and it says... How shall we know whether the prophecy is from the Lord or not? he says if he the thing that he prophesies doesn't hapen it is not the lord who has givin him the message; he has mad it up himself. you have nothing to fear from him
well think do those gang people ever even show up a fraction of what they say? NO! they are just alot of talk, and before that the verse talks about how if any prophet who claims to give a message from other gods must die, wow? and we wonder why we have the drug war? war being a place of action and death, now i do feel bad for those who must be there fighting for the face of good, but it is simply there time to go, so dont fear FOURTH YOU HAVE NOTHING TO FEAR!! GOD IS ALWAYS WATCHING YOU,
and while on this speak of death i must add do not fear death fourth how amazing and glorious to die! and leave our bodies to see our savior! now i am not saying go do suciued but live your partail human life as long as possible spread the gospel! and just pray! live! and remember who died for you * fourth he had alot more to give up than our simple human life*