Its not my "4 step check list" but Christ's.
No, it's yours.
Again, you are searching for a way to get a person saved without that person having to do the works of belief repentance confession and submitting to baptism. Or else you will deny these things are works, but they surely are.
You are trying to turn salvation through faith, not works into salvation through faith plus works, but you remain in error. A person who believes and is saved has already repented and believes unto righteousness/confession made unto salvation are not two separate steps to salvation but are chronologically together. The word of faith is
in their mouth and in their heart - TOGETHER. This is not salvation by works, but by the time you apply your bad semantics to repent, belief, confess and reverse the scriptural order of repent/believe and add baptism to the list as a prerequisite for salvation, you turn this into salvation by works, which is what your itching ears want to hear. Your faith is clearly not exclusively in Christ for salvation but is in your mixed up 4 step check list.
You try to claim confession and belief are not two separate steps but they are, they are not the same thing.
They are not the exact same thing BUT the word of faith is
in our mouth and in our heart - TOGETHER (Romans 10:8). Also
believes unto righteousness/confession made unto salvation PRECEDES water baptism. According to your 4 step check list, one does not believe unto righteousness, but unto confession, which is not made unto salvation, but made unto baptism, which is finally then done unto salvation. Your 4 step check list has holes in it.
Jn 12:42 "Nevertheless among the chief rulers also many believedon him; but because of the Pharisees they did not confess him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue:"
Many believed but did not confess so the two cannot be just one step.
This confession here is not the initial confession unto salvation of Romans 10:9,10. In John 12:42, their unwillingness to confess Christ in this isolated situation may throw some doubt on the complete genuineness of the faith of these men to some people, but they may have only had a weak moment and failed to confess Christ in this isolated situation in front of the Pharisees, but that does not mean that they must not have confessed Christ to others. The Apostle Peter at one point
failed to confess Jesus before men (Jn. 18:17,25-27), but after the Holy Spirit was given, he was a different man who boldly confessed Him (Acts 4:8-13).
We know that Peter was saved even though he had a weak moment and the same may be true for these Jewish rulers as well.
*Later on, we see that Peter had
another weak moment. Paul even had to rebuke Peter! Read about it in (Galatians 2:11-15). "Now when Peter had come to Antioch, I withstood him to his face, because he was to be blamed; or before certain men came from James, he would eat with the Gentiles; but when they came, he
withdrew and separated himself, fearing those who were of the circumcision, just like the Jewish rulers. And the rest of the Jews also played the hypocrite with him, so that even Barnabas was carried away with their hypocrisy. But when I saw that they were
not straightforward about the truth of the gospel, I said to Peter before them all, "If you, being a Jew, live in the manner of Gentiles and not as the Jews, why do you compel Gentiles to live as Jews? We who are Jews by nature, and not sinners of the Gentiles.." Some public confession of Christ!
James says the devils believe, but they do not confess either nor repent nor be baptized for their belief only is dead being void of repentance confession and baptism.
Their belief is without repentance and confession and is dead because (root of the issue) their trust and reliance is in Satan, not in Christ, as demonstrated by their rebellion in heaven and continuous evil works. Of course they refuse to be water baptized. They are committed to Satan, not Christ. The word "believe" can describe mere mental assent belief, as in (James 2:19), or also include "trust and reliance" in Christ for salvation, as in (Acts 16:31). In James 2:19, nobody is questioning the fact that the demons also believe "mental assent" that "there is one God" but they
do not believe/entrust their spiritual well being to Christ; have faith/reliance upon Christ for salvation. Again, their trust and reliance is in Satan, as demonstrated by their rebellion in heaven and continuous evil works. I believe "mental assent" that George Washington existed and I also believe in the historical facts about George Washington,
but I am not trusting in George Washington to save my soul. See the difference? Saving belief/faith is more than just an "intellectual acknowledgment" to the existence and historical facts about Christ. Saving belief/faith
trusts exclusively in Jesus Christ for salvation. You still cannot grasp this
DEEPER faith (there is a reason for that) which explains why you have so much faith in "water and works" instead of in Christ.