This is the final round of voting for the C.C. American Worship Weekend / Meetup 2010!
Well, the jury is finally in - we have PAINSTAKINGLY narrowed the list of cities to a final TWO, and after working with many vendors, theme parks, airlines and facilities, we have assembled and priced the best two itineraries for a showcase showdown! We want YOU to decide where it will be!
We really want to acknowledge God for how he has brought so many companies together who are willing to provide us with amazing rates, group discounts, promotional rates, etc to make these itineraries and AMAZING bang for your buck.
Dallas, Texas
Orlando, Florida
Orlando, Florida
These two locations were chosen for a few reasons...
1) Out of all the major airports with cheap fares, these offered the most air carrier discounts with connections.
2) Being that the judges aren't used such things, we wanted someplace with lots of excitement, sunshine, starry skies, and swimming - these two certainly have it all!
3) Dallas scored very high in the poll of potential attendies and Orlando's itinerary just sounded SO cool that we couldn't help ourselves.
4) While keeping the cost down, these two had, by FAR, the best itinerary options for the target group-size and diversity we are looking at.
Bear in mind that while these numbers are REAL, they will require that we have 20 comitted participants to make them stick. The purchasing can NOT begin until we get that number of people who will sign up!
We are in hot pursuit of more discounts within THESE prices that could shave off even more, making it cheaper for everyone! Even so, I would be really suprised if you could find a gettaway THIS awesome for this cheap again any time soon...
It's still in the planning phase, so there's a little room for adjustment, but these itineraries are quite useable "as-is". Let us know is you have suggestions.
Enough jib-jab... Here are the rough itineraries!
Please select WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING you would seriously consider attending?? Please don't vote if you are not serious about trying to come. Please DO if you are! ^_^
Please select WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING you would seriously consider attending?? Please don't vote if you are not serious about trying to come. Please DO if you are! ^_^
Dallas, TX:
Wed, Aug 11:
Hotel: Holiday Inn Express… $165
Guest arrival and check in
(Airport shuttle available)
7:30 pm: Pizza Social – Hotel banquet … $ 5
Hotel: Holiday Inn Express… $165
Guest arrival and check in
(Airport shuttle available)
7:30 pm: Pizza Social – Hotel banquet … $ 5
Thu, Aug 12:
8:00 am: Breakfast – Briefing & Prayer
10:00 am: Six Flags over Arlington … $ 25
Lunch / beverages … $ 15
Dinner … $ 15
8:00 pm: Drive to Brookhaven Retreat ... $ 70
9:30 pm: Arrive and check in... $ 150
(Dorm-style housing)
Games & ice cream
8:00 am: Breakfast – Briefing & Prayer
10:00 am: Six Flags over Arlington … $ 25
Lunch / beverages … $ 15
Dinner … $ 15
8:00 pm: Drive to Brookhaven Retreat ... $ 70
9:30 pm: Arrive and check in... $ 150
(Dorm-style housing)
Games & ice cream
Fri, Aug 13:
8:30 am: Prayer & Breakfast
Worship music
Guest Speaker (TBA) / Servanthood
12:30 pm: Lunch
Ultimate Frisby
Capture the flag
6:30pm: Dinner
Team-building - skit team meetings?
8:00 pm: Bonfire, Biblestudy & Worship
8:30 am: Prayer & Breakfast
Worship music
Guest Speaker (TBA) / Servanthood
12:30 pm: Lunch
Ultimate Frisby
Capture the flag
6:30pm: Dinner
Team-building - skit team meetings?
8:00 pm: Bonfire, Biblestudy & Worship
Sat, Aug 14:
8:30 am: Prayer & Breakfast
Worship music
Guest speaker (TBA) / Rope course
12:30 pm: Lunch
Service project?
Free time - skit team meetings?
6:30 pm: Dinner
8:00 pm: Bonfie, Bible study & Worship
8:30 am: Prayer & Breakfast
Worship music
Guest speaker (TBA) / Rope course
12:30 pm: Lunch
Service project?
Free time - skit team meetings?
6:30 pm: Dinner
8:00 pm: Bonfie, Bible study & Worship
Sun, Aug 15:
7:30 am: Prayer & Breakfast
10:00 am: Church in Tyler, TX
12:30 pm: Lunch
Free time - skit team meetings?
Christian Concert?
6:30pm: Dinner
8:00 pm: Bonfire & Worship
Star gazing
7:30 am: Prayer & Breakfast
10:00 am: Church in Tyler, TX
12:30 pm: Lunch
Free time - skit team meetings?
Christian Concert?
6:30pm: Dinner
8:00 pm: Bonfire & Worship
Star gazing
Mon, Aug 16:
8:30 am: Lake-side devotional &worship
9:30 am: Breakfast
Free time
12:30 pm: Lunch
Free time - skit team meetings?
6:30pm: Dinner
skit performances?
8:00 pm: Bonfire & Worship
8:30 am: Lake-side devotional &worship
9:30 am: Breakfast
Free time
12:30 pm: Lunch
Free time - skit team meetings?
6:30pm: Dinner
skit performances?
8:00 pm: Bonfire & Worship
Tues, Aug 17:
8:30 am: Prayer & Breakfast
10:00 am: Depart for Dallas
8:30 am: Prayer & Breakfast
10:00 am: Depart for Dallas
TOTAL: $ 445 per person
- R/T Airfare not included - do not book departure flights from Dallas prior to 3:00 pm. For assistance in low fare airline tickets, contact me
- Souveniers are at your own expense - any additional options at your own expense
- See carpool coordinator - carpooling is encouraged
- Prices based on 20 participants.
- Further discounts MAY be applied and will be pro-rated back to the group if given.
- Participants are expected to behave in a Godly mannor and respect eachother.
- C.C. and the people organizing this trip are not responsible for your finances or well-being. We are only helping YOU to purchase your itinerary at no charge.
- $50 non-refundable deposit to confirm your spot.
- Full non-refundable payment is required 90 by May 15, 2010.
Orlando, FL:
Wed, Aug 11:
Hotel: Comfort Inn & Suites… $90
Guest arrival and check in
(Airport shuttle available)
7:30 pm: Pizza Social – Hotel banquet … $ 5
Hotel: Comfort Inn & Suites… $90
Guest arrival and check in
(Airport shuttle available)
7:30 pm: Pizza Social – Hotel banquet … $ 5
Thu, Aug 12:
7:30 am: Breakfast – Briefing & Prayer
10:00 am: Disney World … $ 85
Box lunches / beverages … $ 10
Dinner at the park … $ 30
Comfort Inn & Suites… $ 90
7:30 am: Breakfast – Briefing & Prayer
10:00 am: Disney World … $ 85
Box lunches / beverages … $ 10
Dinner at the park … $ 30
Comfort Inn & Suites… $ 90
Fri, Aug 13:
4:30 am: Coffee - Briefing & Prayer
Drive to Ft. Lauderdale… $ 50
4:30 am: Coffee - Briefing & Prayer
Drive to Ft. Lauderdale… $ 50
7:30 am: Breakfast en route… $ 10
10:00 am: Board Celebration Cruise ship… $ 180
(4-people per cabin)
Shipboard Activities
8:00 pm : Games & Worship
10:00 am: Board Celebration Cruise ship… $ 180
(4-people per cabin)
Shipboard Activities
8:00 pm : Games & Worship
Sat, Aug 14:
7:00 am: Devotional at Sea
8:00 am: Nassau Excursions
Lunch... $ 20
8:00 pm: Dinner on the Cruise ship
Night of worship / Party
7:00 am: Devotional at Sea
8:00 am: Nassau Excursions
Lunch... $ 20
8:00 pm: Dinner on the Cruise ship
Night of worship / Party
Sun, Aug 15:
8:00 am Prayer & Breakfast
10:00 am Arrive Ft Lauderdale
11:00 am Local church Service / Christian Concert?
Lunch... $ 15
6:00 pm Arrive Orlando Airport
(shuttles / rides to other hotels, etc)
8:00 am Prayer & Breakfast
10:00 am Arrive Ft Lauderdale
11:00 am Local church Service / Christian Concert?
Lunch... $ 15
6:00 pm Arrive Orlando Airport
(shuttles / rides to other hotels, etc)
TOTAL: $ 585 per person
- Passport required
- R/T Airfare not included - do not book departure flights from Orlando prior to 8:00 pm. For assistance in low fare airline tickets, contact me
- Souveniers are at your own expense - any additional options at your own expense
- See carpool coordinator - carpooling is encouraged
- Prices based on 20 participants.
- For married couples, total is $555 per person
- 2-person cabins are available: total is $645 per person (no co-ed unless married)
- Further discounts MAY be applied and will be pro-rated back to the group if given.
- Participants are expected to behave in a Godly mannor and respect eachother.
- C.C. and the people organizing this trip are not responsible for your finances or well-being. We are only helping YOU to purchase your itinerary at no charge.
- $50 non-refundable deposit to confirm your spot.
- Full non-refundable payment is required 90 by May 15, 2010.
How do I get there and how much will THAT be??
You will need to get to and from the meet-up destination city.
- By Car - There are people who have decided they are planning on driving. We have designated a carpool coordinator to make sure that you can find other people who are driving, and possibly hitch or give a ride! If you are one of these people, contact AlaynaJ at [email protected]
- By Plane - Quick, simple, and a pain in the wallet. Maybe not so much! I am a flight coordinator by profession - it's all I've done for the last 7 years, so I know a lot about it. If there's a low fare out there, I'll help you find it. I've checked and found r/t fares from LA, Seattle, Chicago, New York, Minneapolis, Denver, Cincinnatti, and many other places to BOTH locations for $250 or less (AFTER tax). You may be suprised! If there are 10 people using the same airline, I can get you a discount code for up to an additional 7% off the ticket prices with that carrier. Talk to me! You can contact me at [email protected]
- By Bus or Rail - You may be able to explore these options and find a cheap and easy solution. Check them out and if you hit paydirt, by all means, let us in on the secret!
Who can come??
I'm asking that you be 18 or older to attend, unless your folks are coming too. If you have friends and family who would like to attend, they are ABSOLUTELY welcome! Married couples can share rooms and save some dough.
Be advised - accomodations at the camp and on the boat are going to be dorm-style, guys with guys, girls with girls.
For obvious reasons, there will be no acceptions unless they are married or family. If you need a little more personal space and/or privacy, there are some options available on the boat, but they come at a higher price.. let me know if you have questions about it!
Be advised - accomodations at the camp and on the boat are going to be dorm-style, guys with guys, girls with girls.
For obvious reasons, there will be no acceptions unless they are married or family. If you need a little more personal space and/or privacy, there are some options available on the boat, but they come at a higher price.. let me know if you have questions about it!
When do I need to have the money??
In order to make sure we have rates locked in, we need to be able to make a group payment in full 90 days prior, afterwhich reservations become non-refundable. If we cannot get the full 20 people by that time, we will have to call it off and nobody pays anything. To put yourself on the list of attendees, I'd like to ask for a $50 deposit (refundable if we don't get 20 people in time). That shows that you're serious and we can count you in.
Who are you and can I trust you with my money??
Frankly, if you don't feel you know us enough and don't feel led by the spirit to do so, please don't take that kind of step
We'd LOVE to have everybody who can make it come, but the purpose is fellowship and fun. We intend to honor Christ in all areas of stewardship, be it time, money, or relationships.
If you have to choose between being able to contribute to C.C. and being able to come, PLEASE make sure to keep contributing to C.C.! We love this place and the people who make it happen - they need your continued support!
If you have to choose between being able to contribute to C.C. and being able to come, PLEASE make sure to keep contributing to C.C.! We love this place and the people who make it happen - they need your continued support!
First and foremost, we want this to be an event that honors God. He has blessed us with this family and we intend to protect and cherish that! All glory to God!
Malachi 1:11
"My name will be great among the nations, from the rising to the setting of the sun. In every place incense and pure offerings will be brought to my name, because my name will be great among the nations," says the LORD Almighty.
"My name will be great among the nations, from the rising to the setting of the sun. In every place incense and pure offerings will be brought to my name, because my name will be great among the nations," says the LORD Almighty.