Truth is, nobody has a verse that discusses the "rapture" in relation to timing of the GT. The verses that discuss the "rapture" are of course 1 Thes 4:13-17 and 1 Cor 15:50-52. You will find in 1 Thes 4:14 that it is GOD THE FATHER who is coming. GOD is said to be "bringing those who sleep in Jesus." Further, the passage states that it is the LORD HIMSELF, meaning GOD who is coming and it is with God's trumpet. The Cor passage tells us that the living will be changed in the "twinkling of an eye" at the LAST TRUMPET.
So the question is when does this happen? Does it happen before, during, after or much after the Tribulation? Does it happen pre-wrath, mid wrath, post wrath? Or does it happen Pre Mil, mid Mil or Post mil? We are told that there is a resurrection associated with the "rapture." We are told that there are two resurrections and the first one was Christ. We are not given multiple future resurrections, just one of Saved and Unsaved.
We are told repeatedly that the resurrection is "at the last day" and the end of the age. We are told that they are resurrected and face judgment. The GWT is shown after the Trib and after the millennium. My view is that there will be a return of Christ and a return of God the father. The day of the Lord is an OT concept therefore I believe the DAY of the LORD is speaking of God's return. We see that the New Jerusalem comes down from God in Rev 21.
All the evidence appears to suggest that the "rapture" is clearly after the Tribulation and I believe is likely after the millennium too.