I'm not an expert, but I am a mother of 6 (one a saint in Heaven), so I have some experience. As I say with all of my advice... put it in your tool bag. What works for us, may not work for you, but it's good to hear different opinions. My youngest two are 1 1/2 and 4. What I've learned through A LOT of trial and error is CONSISTENCY. Really, it comes down to that. It may not work the 1st time, the 2nd, or even the 20th (they will keep pushing buttons just to see if THIS TIME you cave and give in). Don't give up and don't give in. Whatever you decide as the "punishment" (ie. time out, re-direction, etc.), keep at it every time the issue comes up. It will be exhausting and you will want to give in or try something else, but don't get discouraged. You also have to think of what your ultimate goal is. Is it perfection... meaning, are you striving to have your children act perfect at all times? Unfortunately, if that is your goal, you will fail. Children will always be making poor choice, the point is to teach them consequences to good and bad choices, and hopefully those bad choices become less and less (eventually they will disappear, but will be replaced by new "bad" choices as they enter a different stage of life.). If I tell my child that if they do A then B will happen, then I better do B even if it is an inconvenience for me (I've missed out on a lot of fun activities because I've had to follow through with what I said would happen). This creates trust between a child and a parent, and this will be HUGE especially as they grow into their adolescent years. I want my babes to know that my word is my bond, that my yes means yes, and my no means no. I hope this helps a little bit. Just remember that every kid is different, and you will have to adjust your disciplining for each child, even within the same family.