Our world is a mess because our marriages are a mess. The Juvenile prisons are full of violent felons because they either grew up in homes without fathers, or had multiple abusive step fathers and step mothers. But broken homes are nothing new to our earth village. However what is new is the steep statistical growth in broken homes. At the beginning of the 20th century 10 out of every 100 marriages ended in divorce. By the end of the century it had grown to an alarming 60 out of every 100.
The number of people living together without marriage, and consequently the number of illegitimate children is pandemic.
Disturbingly the statistics for divorces among Christians are no different than from the general population.
I believe part of the fault lies in Christians no longer knowing Yah's teaching on Divorce.
- "Where there is no vision the people perish" ( Proverbs 22.18 )
- "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge" ( Hosea 4.6 )
The Church leaders since the 20th Century have not given a consistent, clear teaching on marriage. At the beginning of the Century the message from every pulpit was "Marriage is between one man and one woman. Until death do us part."
But by the 21st Century many of the clergy were divorced. It is not uncommon to find them with their second mate, and some are with their sixth, or seventh spouse. As for the mess of marriage the preachers throw up their hands and say: "Can you unscramble an egg?" 99 out of 100 now accept divorce and remarriage as an unfortunate, but
normal way of life.
The Marriage Bed is Upside Down