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The phrase “only begotten Son” occurs inJohn 3:16, which reads in the King James Version as, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." The phrase "only begotten" translates the Greek wordmonogenes. This word is variously translated into English as "only," "one and only," and "only begotten."
It's this last phrase ("only begotten" used in the KJV, NASB and the NKJV) that causes problems. False teachers have latched onto this phrase to try to prove their false teaching that Jesus Christ isn't God; i.e., that Jesus isn't equal in essence to God as the Second Person of the Trinity. They see the word "begotten" and say that Jesus is a created being because only someone who had a beginning in time can be "begotten." What this fails to note is that "begotten" is an English translation of a Greek word. As such, we have to look at the original meaning of the Greek word, not transfer English meanings into the text.
So what does monogenesmean? According to theGreek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature(BAGD, 3rd Edition),monogeneshas two primary definitions. The first definition is "pertaining to being the only one of its kind within a specific relationship." This is its meaning inHebrews 11:17when the writer refers to Isaac as Abraham's "only begotten son" (KJV). Abraham had more than one son, but Isaac was the only son he had by Sarah and the only son of the covenant. Therefore, it is the uniqueness of Isaac among the other sons that allows for the use ofmonogenesin that context.
The second definition is "pertaining to being the only one of its kind or class, unique in kind." This is the meaning that is implied inJohn 3:16(see alsoJohn 1:14,18;3:18;1 John 4:9). John was primarily concerned with demonstrating that Jesus is the Son of God (John 20:31), and he usesmonogenesto highlight Jesus as uniquely God's Son—sharing the same divine nature as God—as opposed to believers who are God's sons and daughters by adoption (Ephesians 1:5). Jesus is God’s “one and only” Son.
Read more:What does it mean that Jesus is God's only begotten son?