I gotta agree with poster #2 that certainly it's not an element of the faith once for all delivered to the saints.
My sister is a YEC, lol, and a PhD in physics and a geologist. She feels obligated to take the word at its word.
So do I! I guess i'm an OEC. The Bible's 'scientific' in that it's accurate and true, but knowledge or knowledge for
knowledge's sake is not its purpose. Instead, it's purpose is life. As in: the eternal life. Which is to know the Father
and to know His Son, and Spirit, subjectively, personally, inwardly. So Praise Him.
Of course we know that the mythology Evolution flatly contradicts Genesis. The deeper, 'Life,' matter in all of that is
that God Himself is a Family, a Begetting. The Son is eternally begotten, the Father is eternally the Father. There never
was a time when They were not Father and Son. They are not a barren, sterile One. They are 2 in 1. 3 in 1. And God's
eternal purpose, to which He's predestined His chosen, is sonship. To have many sons. Not by adoption. But generated,
regenerated, conceived and born (in the spirit) by His life. He is eternal life.
So my sister politely argues to me that historically no one ever conceived of an earth older than Adam, up until, like at the time roughly of Darwin and his absurdity, and prior, when science, both with regard to dinosaurs and geology, began realizing or teaching that the earth is vastly ancient. She argues, rightly, that Evolution mythology (I prefer the word 'mythology' to 'theory,' since I feel it's more precise) requires a vastly ancient earth, and that therefore that discovery or persuasion, on the part of science, prepared the way for the deceit and conceit of Evolution theory. I agree with her on all that, though i'm open to input on it. She says that believers who suggest that the earth is ancient, whether by means of figurative 'days' of creation in Genesis 1, or by an undefined gap of time between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 (my position)---that such believers do so not because the Scriptures enlightened us, but rather we do so, or find so, post hoc. That is, only in trying to make the Bible fit with science or 'science.' My response to her is that even if 'Gentiles' have influenced us/me in that way, still it can lead to bona fide, genuine enlightenment concerning the Scriptural narrative about creation.
The deeper, truth, matter in all of that is that, per my 'gap theory' (my gap reading), one can see a pattern in the war between God and Satan, and see God's wisdom and use of His enemy, in God's carrying out and fulfillment of His eternal purpose, which He made in Christ Jesus before the foundation of the world. This hasn't persuaded my sister, but it has persuaded and helped me all the more to worship God, draw closer to Christ, fear Him, and appreciate the simplicity and style and elegance (and perfection) of the written word of God.
My sister is a YEC, lol, and a PhD in physics and a geologist. She feels obligated to take the word at its word.
So do I! I guess i'm an OEC. The Bible's 'scientific' in that it's accurate and true, but knowledge or knowledge for
knowledge's sake is not its purpose. Instead, it's purpose is life. As in: the eternal life. Which is to know the Father
and to know His Son, and Spirit, subjectively, personally, inwardly. So Praise Him.
Of course we know that the mythology Evolution flatly contradicts Genesis. The deeper, 'Life,' matter in all of that is
that God Himself is a Family, a Begetting. The Son is eternally begotten, the Father is eternally the Father. There never
was a time when They were not Father and Son. They are not a barren, sterile One. They are 2 in 1. 3 in 1. And God's
eternal purpose, to which He's predestined His chosen, is sonship. To have many sons. Not by adoption. But generated,
regenerated, conceived and born (in the spirit) by His life. He is eternal life.
So my sister politely argues to me that historically no one ever conceived of an earth older than Adam, up until, like at the time roughly of Darwin and his absurdity, and prior, when science, both with regard to dinosaurs and geology, began realizing or teaching that the earth is vastly ancient. She argues, rightly, that Evolution mythology (I prefer the word 'mythology' to 'theory,' since I feel it's more precise) requires a vastly ancient earth, and that therefore that discovery or persuasion, on the part of science, prepared the way for the deceit and conceit of Evolution theory. I agree with her on all that, though i'm open to input on it. She says that believers who suggest that the earth is ancient, whether by means of figurative 'days' of creation in Genesis 1, or by an undefined gap of time between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 (my position)---that such believers do so not because the Scriptures enlightened us, but rather we do so, or find so, post hoc. That is, only in trying to make the Bible fit with science or 'science.' My response to her is that even if 'Gentiles' have influenced us/me in that way, still it can lead to bona fide, genuine enlightenment concerning the Scriptural narrative about creation.
The deeper, truth, matter in all of that is that, per my 'gap theory' (my gap reading), one can see a pattern in the war between God and Satan, and see God's wisdom and use of His enemy, in God's carrying out and fulfillment of His eternal purpose, which He made in Christ Jesus before the foundation of the world. This hasn't persuaded my sister, but it has persuaded and helped me all the more to worship God, draw closer to Christ, fear Him, and appreciate the simplicity and style and elegance (and perfection) of the written word of God.