Sharp ton _rehbein;2132065]These same thoughts were in my mind as I witnessed the love of God pouring out from these people. I have a feeling though, that come Sunday, when they join arm in arm, all races, denominations, whatever to march across the bridge there, some of the Sharpton crowd will try and capitalize on the publicity.
I hope not, but would not be surprised. And, I don't think the people there would welcome their rhetoric of racial divisiveness either based on what I have heard them say publically.[/QUOTE]
Sharpton was told to get out of town, the police said they could not protect him and protect
our people. They told him, they could do one march, not over the Cooper River bridge. He didn't
like that, so they left. Then he gets on CNN bad mouthing SC. He did not tell the truth, he was
called out on it by Gov. Haley. They swept it under the rug, so as to not hurt their rating, their
ratings are in the gutter anyway.