Hey Tintin…..did you know that you are part Neanderthal…?
Moreover, you like it, Rachel said so!
Hey Angela…..did you know that you are part Neanderthal…?
Moreover, you like it, Rachel said so!
Moreover, you like it, Rachel said so!
Hey Angela…..did you know that you are part Neanderthal…?
Moreover, you like it, Rachel said so!
but for anyone who unlike bowman actually -is- following along with the discussion in good faith...
the majority view of young earth creationists is that neanderthals are fully human descendants of noah...no less than any other human alive today... and young earth creationists accept the scientific finding that the majority of people groups on earth have neanderthal genes in their DNA due to ancient interbreeding between neanderthals and europeans and asians... to young earth creationists having a neanderthal contribution in your DNA is no more surprising or offensive than having any other ethnic group in your ancestry...