Emotional chaos
I remembered a relative of mine. He was a very sensitive young man. He became a ahmedia muslim, a scholar, who did a lot of translation work. He came to a point when an arranged marriage was going to be set up.
Suddenly he left the faith, became an atheist, and set up home with a man from the baltic states. This lasted a number of years, and then broke down, and he now lives with another young man.
This experience seems not untypical of this lifestyle, people looking for intimacy, but it is all very confused, because the focus is out of balance, and children or stability is rarely involved.
So marriage to me with this kind of background is a farce, the attempt at mimiking the family they grew up in, but without the biological dynamics that male and female personalities bring to the show.
The real test is how many gay relationships last past a few years. I do not know, but I doubt it is many.
So I do not know how my attending such an event would help, I would rather stay away, because I literally see no future in this kind of behaviour, other than continued pain and suffering.