oh dear, AoK is telling horror stories about the oppressed man again, and your repetitive warnings remind me of as a tattered boa you eagerly flaunt in these parts.
your data only proves what the bible said a very long time ago. and that is why it's as socially relevant to the christian as the birthrate of polka-dotted ponies. interesting? maybe. but useless.
we will always be called to live our choices against what the world would choose, and assign as "acceptable" for its people. we make our choices and base our standards on the One who set the standards, not the state, not the gov't, and certainly not the proof and examples of marriage failure, be they christian or not.
a long time ago in another court, a wise man suggested a baby should be cut in half to settle a custody dispute. we have learned a long time ago that what was never designed to happen will only suggest solutions so imperfect and disastrous that they will always be mocking reminders of the ideals and intention of marriage and family.
thankfully the bible has given us much for which we can establish the standards of behavior. we are called to live according to that picture, not the one the world is painting as relevant for us. why IS is that fear so much what a government can take from you, AoK? don't you believe that God turns the hearts of kings?
as i know too well, knowledge and data offers precious objectivity for the faint of heart.
Unfortunately, his horror stories about inequitable divorce practices are VERY VERY COMMON.
I'm sure we could walk down any street, and half of the men we pass will have been through something like this. It is just extremely common. There are many problems with our culture and society, and for men, this is one of the biggest ones.
It needs to be taken seriously.
However, that doesn't mean I hate women, or that I'm afraid of marriage.
It means that men, in our current age, should just be EXTREMELY cautious, and extremely prudent. Men need to understand and employ the scripture, more than ever before, when getting into serious relationships.
The bible doesn't really talk about dating, but it does give lots of general principles that can be applied to dating.
1Thessalonians 5:21
"Prove (test) all things; hold fast that which is good."
In a serious relationship I recommend much time, and much testing... before making a life-altering commitment.
As culture and society worsen, we need the scripture more than ever to find our way.