Originally Posted by
So you believe that God is NOT the same yesterday, today, and forever? Did He not speak with people in the past? Who teaches that God stops speaking to people but the false teachers of this generation.
What? Because He has not spoken to you, it is not possible for God to speak to others?
Is it not written in the last days God spirit will pour out on the sons and daughters and they shall prophesy? Is it God's fault that people of this generation does not know what that entails.
God spoke to people in the past. God speaks to people today. And God will speak to people tomorrow.
Tell me, in the last days, would it not behoove God even the more to talk to people to try to reveal to people His Truths as a last attempt?
Woe to this generation which takes thought that God does not communicate with people any more, because they will not believe those who He actually does speak to and converse with, now will they?
Which is ironic, because God only speaks to those who believe that He still speaks to people audibly. A person must first believe that He does, before He will. But if this generation does not believe God speaks to people any more, then God does not speak to those who lack Faith that He does. But there are a few left, that He can use to teach His Word, because they have Faith that He does.
^i^ Responding to post #823
My friend if you really were God's prophet you would be far too busy doing God's work to be wasting time dealing with trivialities on this site.
Any trivialities that could cause one to lose Faith in the validity of the Word of God, is not a triviality at all. And if the Holy Spirit of God puts it on the heart of someone to try to help another who believes something wrong, who are you to say it is trivial? Should a person disobey the prompting of the Holy Ghost, because you say something is trivial?
Furthermore it is quite clear that your pronouncements are not true prophecy. God speaks to us all. But none of us can genuinely claim what we say as the voice of God. (even those who think they can).
Says you.
Here is one of many examples. i was working a full time job and going to school when i was 16. One day i was driving home, it was close to midnight. i wanted to get home because i had school in the morning. On the way home, i heard "David" scared me out of my wits. i looked in the back seat to see if someone had gotten into my car and was talking to me. When i seen nobody there, i realized it was God. i said "Yes Lord" He then said in an audible voice. "Next road turn left" i said "OK" i then came up on a gravel road that was heading left. i turned on it, this was going the opposite way of my home. After about twenty minutes of driving on this road, i started doubting myself and what i heard. i convinced myself that i was just hearing things, that i was tired is all, that i did not hear the Lord. So i told myself that i was going to turn around the next driveway that i seen. Then i came up onto a bridge and there was a girl sitting on the edge of the bridge, and when i drove by her, it looked like she was crying. So i pulled over on the other side of the bride, and walked up to her, and asked if everything was alright, she was indeed crying, and she told me to go away that she did not want to be bothered. i then sat down beside her, i have been a Christian my whole life, and can not remember a time that i was not a Believer in Jesus, started to talk to her that God loves her and has plans for her. She then, very rudely, told me that God just allowed her to be raped by her boyfriend and four of his friends, and that they just dumped her out here in the middle of nowhere, and now she was contemplating suicide to "Show them". She wanted to die, she was going to kill herself, she did not want to face them ever again. i started to talk about God again, and she flat out told me, to stop talking about God because He just let all that happen to her. Well i sat there in silence, if i could not talk to her about God, then i did not know what to say to her. Then God spoke to me again saying "Tell her to join the military" i immediately looked at her to see if she heard God too, she did not hear anything at all. So i told her, "What you need to do is join the military" She then very rudely told me that was the dumbest thing she had ever heard, and that i should just leave her alone and go. i said to her, "Dumb or not, it is what you should do" She continues to cry, and continued to ask me to leave, i told her that i was not leaving her at all, until i was dropping her off someplace. So we sat there on that bridge for what seemed an eternity to me at that time. But finally she said "Fine" and got up and started heading to my car, and i followed. Then we drove around, turning here, turning there, for about another half hour. i was so lost as to where i was at. But i dropped her off and watched her go up to the house and knock on the door then went in, then i took off. i tried to find that house again to check up on her, but could never find that house again. Jumping forward two years. i was in the Air Force in Florida, and i get a call from that girl. She said she has been looking for me for over two years to thank me for her life. Apparently she joined the military the very next day that i dropped her off, and she is now married to a wonderful Christian man and they have a kid together and another on the way. i plainly told her, that she needed to thank God, not me, and i told her that God told me to tell you to join the military. She then told me, she thanks God every single day for her new life. Apparently she tracked me down by the car i drove, a candy apple red 1973 Dodge Charger. Took her two years, and she did that from another state because she and her husband were both military. So tell me, was that me that told her to join the military or what it God that plainly told me to tell her to join the military?
This same voice that i have heard my whole life, (ceased in 1994, because i ran from God then, don't want to talk about it) i have had conversations with, i would ask any Biblical question that i had, and God would answer it. And also He told me many things that is going to happen in the future, all of which line up with the Bible perfectly. He taught me the understanding of the Word of God. He has spoken with me many times.
One time i was working and i heard a thump, thump, BAM!!! and then yelling in a stairwell for help. i went to investigate and went into the stairwell and there was a man on the floor, with a pool of blood getting bigger and bigger by his head, this man fell down from above, hitting the window ledges and the steel stringers all the way down. He was not moving. i did not want to move the man because there might be spinal damage, but the man was not breathing and i could not feel a heartbeat. This mans friend was saying over and over again "Oh, God. Oh, God" It looked like i was going to perform CPR, so i had to turn him on his back, this i did, then checked vitals again. Yep i was going to have to perform CPR. Then God said to me "Give God the Glory" So then instead of performing CPR on that man, and getting the Glory of saving this mans life, i placed my hands on the mans chest over his heart, and told the other man to "Pray with me" and then he started praying. i said "in the name of Jesus Christ, breath." and immediately the man started gasping for air. ALIVE. When the paramedics arrived i told them that God told me to give Him the Glory and Jesus brought that man back to life, everyone thought i was crazy. But i KNOW to whom speaks with me, even if this generation doesn't believe it. So you can think i am crazy too. What is that to me if you don't believe God speaks to people audibly today, like He has always done before?
Responding to POst # 825
And with this comment I close the debate.
a debate is closed when one party or the other stops responding,