[the fullness of the Gentiles] is the full number of Gentiles who will become a part of Israel.
So in Romans 11:25-26 when Paul says hardness has come upon Israel in part and that all Israel will be saved, is he saying that false Israel will join true Israel?
the [soft] part of Israel, the true Israel were fervent for Jesus Christ. Thus ISRAEL LIVED ON
a) Do you think that Jesus Christ will return to earth?
b) If so, do you think that Jesus Christ will convert all of the false Israel which is alive then, to join the true Israel?
'all Israel' were the Messiah believing Jews and the Messiah believing...Gentiles.
Rom 9.27 makes clear that, 'though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, ONLY A REMNANT WILL BE SAVED.'
So since 'Israel' (and 'Jacob') in Romans 11:26 includes Jews+Gentiles;
and 'Gentiles' in 11:25 = Gentiles;
then 'Israel' in 11:25 includes Jews+Gentiles
and 'Israel in part' in 11:25 = Jews only ?
The seventieth seven followed immediately after the sixty ninth seven.
['All Israel will be saved' (Rm 11:26)] is in process of fulfilment
So Daniel 9:24's apportionment of 70 7s to Daniel's people excludes 'all Israel will be saved'
in Romans 11:26?
There is no suggestion [events are in time-order]
To the contrary:
All the several time indicators in Daniel 9:24-27 show that its events, after the introduction which is verse 24,
are progressive and consecutive. Concluding in verse 27 with the destruction of the desolator.
'Seventy weeks are apportioned...From...Until...will be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks...And After the sixty-two weeks...Will...And...And...will make a firm covenant...for one week; And in the middle of the week he Will...And Will...Until...'
There is no suggestion of [time-order].
The time order events are WITHIN the seventy sevens.
In one sentence you say there's 'no suggestion' of time-order.
In the next sentence you acknowledge that there are time-order events.
Don't time-order events suggest time-order?
The time order events are WITHIN the seventy sevens
7 7s happen. Then 62. At the end of which Messiah is cut off (right around AD 30). Then the invasion and destruction of Jerusalem is mentioned (AD 70ish). Consummately, in 9:27, 1 seven (the 70th and final seven) is initiated. Then demarcated half way through ('in the middle of the seven'), and then completed ('...even UNTIL the complete destruction that has been determined is poured out upon the desolator.'
All of Daniel 9:24-27's events (both 9:24 the Introduction and 9:25-27 the Sequence) are 'within the 70 7s' since the 69 have already happened and 1 seven to come is the last seven years of this age.
But no, the AD 70ish events of 9:26 (which is all of 9:26 except the first clause) do not constitute part of the 70 7s, since
it transpires after the 69th and before the 70th 7.
NOTHING to indicate a gap unless you imagine it. The seventieth seven follows immediately after the sixty ninth seven as all common sense makes clear that it would
'Common sense' may have led His disciples in Acts 1:6 to expect
"Lord, are You at this time restoring the kingdom to Israel?"
[By the way: What 'Israel' do you think they meant there?]
In any case, as has been repeatedly shared with you: all of Daniel 9:26 except its first clause not only 'indicates' a gap, but requires it.
"After the 62 7s Messiah will be cut off] and the people of the prince who will come will destroy the city...and the end of it...and even to the end...And he will make a firm covenant with the many for one 7."
The 70th 7 most definitely doesn't follow the 69th seven immediately.
Just like the year AD 70 doesn't follow AD 30 immediately.
Instead, there are years: 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, and 69.
Furthermore, the next event in time, at the beginning of 9:27, 'he will make a firm covenant...for one 7,'
has not happened yet. Not in AD 30-70. Nor in 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105...2013, 2014.
The New Covenant was not established by the desolator of Jerusalem. It wasn't established for one 7. It wasn't established in or after AD 70. It didn't terminate physically Jewish temple sacrifices 'in the middle of the 7,' the New Covenant didn't replace physically, or spiritually, Jewish temple sacrifices with abominations of the desolator.
there is nothing to suggest that such time between the two passes. You have to read it in. There is no reason for reading the comment about the destruction of Jerusalem as part of the time sequence.
To the contrary:
AD 30 comes before AD 70 and AD 70 follows AD 30.
AD 30 doesn't follow AD 70 and AD 70 doesn't come before AD 30.
Messiah being crucified (9:26 start) comes before people of the prince destroying the city (9:26 remainder),
and people of Titus destroying Jerusalem and the Jewish temple in AD 70 (9:26 after the first clause) follows Messiah being cut off (9:26 first clause).
Following both of these events, 9:27 (the next verse in sequence: 9:24, 25, 26, 27), defines the last (70th) 7.
It's beginning (he will make a firm covenant) it's middle (and in the middle of the 7 he will cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease and will replace the sacrifice and the oblation with abominations) and the 70th 7's end (...until the complete destruction that has been determined is poured out upon the desolator).
The beginning comes first, followed by the middle, followed by the end---in this case: the complete destruction poured out upon the desolator.
Acts makes clear that a great number of Jews believed. You only see the unbelieving ones as Jews. The believing ones were the foundation of the church and continued on in that church.
The reason I do not 'only see the unbelieving ones as Jews' is because I wrote 'not all of Israel is believing.'
'Not all of Israel is believing' means equally that not all of Israel is unbelieving. In other words, some of Israel is believing, some is unbelieving. In fact, I've met both.
[By the way: by 'Jews' here do you mean racial Jews only?]
To my observation, the vast majority of biological Israel, from AD 30 to the present, both deceased and alive, is unbelieving.
Do you have an observation on that? (It's fine if you don't.)
God IS done with unbelieving Israel as a nation. And He will certainly not do what He has NEVER done, save a whole nation. It would be contrary to all His ways. He will save those who believe as He always has.
Ah..............................finally. The central issue here. And your basic problem here.
What about believing-Israel as a nation?
Is not Israel a special nation among all the nations?
('According to the gospel they are enemies for your sake, but according to the selection they are beloved for the fathers' sake. For the gracious gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.')
Won't they all believe when, at His Return, they see Him whom they have pierced?
Did He not save a whole nation from slavery and Pharaoh when they ate the Lamb and crossed the Sea?
Wasn't that precisely His Way with Israel?
Is it believing-Israel that God is not done with in Matthew 19:28 where He (the Lord Jesus) says
'to you that have followed Me, in the restoration, when the Son of Man sits on the throne of His glory, you also shall sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel' ?
Or is that unbelieving-Israel that He is not done with then?
You may be done with Israel.............but God is not done.
In fact, God has apportioned one more 7, the 70th 7, to Daniel's people (Dan 9:24).
And what is biological Israel? There is no such thing. Israel was NEVER composed only of descendants of Jacob.
Isn't the vast majority of Israel descended from Israel (from Jacob)? Who do you have in mind that wasn't?
For those that you can think of: were any of them married to descendants of Jacob? If so, would not there descendants also be descendants of Jacob?
He only has one coming as Deliverer. The other is as Judge, although He will rapture His own.
By rapture, do you mean He delivers them (He'll deliver you) from earth?
So that is a Deliverer, as you seem to categorize it with your 'although.'
To the contrary of your blindness, Paul (I believe) writes in Hebrews 9
'So Christ also, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time to those who eagerly await Him, apart from sin, unto salvation.'
'Salvation' and 'Deliverance' sound close to me.
Paul wrote to the church in Rome:
'For the anxious watching of the creation eagerly awaits the revelation of the sons of God. For the creation was made subject to vanity, not of its own will, but because of Him who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will also be freed from the slavery of corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God...and not only so...we ourselves groan in ourselves, eagerly awaiting sonship, the redemption of our body.
To Ephesus:
'you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of the promise, who is the pledge of our inheritance unto the redemption of the acquired possession, to the praise of His glory.'
Peter wrote:
'Being guarded by the power of God through faith unto a salvation ready to be revealed at the last time...'
1 Pet 1:5.
Christ Also delivers the sheep-nations, in Mt 25, who took care of Him during The Tribulation, during the last 3 1/2 years of this age (the last half of the last 7 in Daniel 9:27); and also delivers racial, earthly Israel which survives The Tribulation, to believe into Him and thus to be justified and born of God all together when they see Him whom they have pierced come back, standing on the Mount of Olives as He says He will again (Zechariah 14; Acts 1).