I am appalled by the responses on here to heartfelt appeals.
A woman almost died from having her last child, then spends months in a mental ward, and then years in recover from that, yet mostly what she got was easy-Christianese. "Don't murder." "When isn't sin a choice?" "My opinion." "I feel." Who cares what you think?
Can you prove biblically that the life of the baby is more important than the life of the mother? Can you prove biblically any of your positions? What would you do if your words did it for her and then you found out this pregnancy killed her? Does that feeling change if it kills her and the baby? Do you really think it should? Is that part of your easy-Christianese?
"Get a divorce." "Stay with him no matter what." Such easy words for people not in that position. Who gives you Solomon's wisdom for all people based on a cursory knowledge?
Words matter, People. If you can't back up your opinions based on God's word have the good grace to give room that God can!
People are hurting, yet the important thing seems to be prove-a-point. "I know something she/he doesn't know and must share just because I'm important."
God does want. If you don't know what he wants for that person, stop pretending you do. And no, that doesn't get the easy-Christianese answer of "God wants only good things," because you have no idea what a good thing is in any given situation. What is the good thing if it's a choice between mother and child's life? Can you decide? NO! Absolutely not. You cannot decide so stop acting like it is up to you to decide. Help a person. Do nothing, but stop hurting for no other reason than self-gratification. To give an opinion or a feeling.
And let the endless useless debates start here.
A woman almost died from having her last child, then spends months in a mental ward, and then years in recover from that, yet mostly what she got was easy-Christianese. "Don't murder." "When isn't sin a choice?" "My opinion." "I feel." Who cares what you think?
Can you prove biblically that the life of the baby is more important than the life of the mother? Can you prove biblically any of your positions? What would you do if your words did it for her and then you found out this pregnancy killed her? Does that feeling change if it kills her and the baby? Do you really think it should? Is that part of your easy-Christianese?
"Get a divorce." "Stay with him no matter what." Such easy words for people not in that position. Who gives you Solomon's wisdom for all people based on a cursory knowledge?
Words matter, People. If you can't back up your opinions based on God's word have the good grace to give room that God can!
People are hurting, yet the important thing seems to be prove-a-point. "I know something she/he doesn't know and must share just because I'm important."
God does want. If you don't know what he wants for that person, stop pretending you do. And no, that doesn't get the easy-Christianese answer of "God wants only good things," because you have no idea what a good thing is in any given situation. What is the good thing if it's a choice between mother and child's life? Can you decide? NO! Absolutely not. You cannot decide so stop acting like it is up to you to decide. Help a person. Do nothing, but stop hurting for no other reason than self-gratification. To give an opinion or a feeling.
And let the endless useless debates start here.