Update on April;
I went to see April this morning, she's doing great. She was a little cranky
this morning. She woke up in a little pain, the nurse came in to see why.
She started messing with Aprils head, April became upset. They gave
her a pain shot, and said it was caused by the way she had slept.
I gave April a sack of Hershey's kisses, she began to feel better, could
have been the shot, not the candy, or both.
I talked to the Dr he'a hoping the plate will be here by the 3rd week of
August. They can put it in, and then she can really start to heal. Jim &
Marie said to tell all of you thank you for your prayers.
Last night was the best sleep I've had in a long time.
I slept like a log,
I woke up in the fireplace,
good thing it's hot here, or the wife may have lit me up.