I checked your profile. You're not married. I'm assuming that also means you don't have kids. Let me to explain this to you, as a husband and father.
If there is a neighbor mowing his yard, whether 16 or 60, stopping and peeking over my fence and staring at my sunbathing, bikini-clad daughter -- or my sunbathing, bikini-clad wife, for that matter (and for her, even more so) -- I'm going to put a stop to it. The use of a drone to do the leering is no different, and you can excuse this idiot with his $1,800 drone all you want, he was using his toy to get an eyeful of an underage young woman in HD, and that's all he was doing.
You call it "innocent fun"? I call it being a pervert. If she goes to the beach dressed like that, it's different -- which is why my wife or my daughter never went to the swimming pool or any other public venue dressed in one. This, however, is in Meredith's own back yard, where the daughters have a reasonable expectation of privacy, one the guy with the spy in the sky willfully and knowingly violated.
He got caught and he's trying to shift the blame and refuse responsibility. Just like every other sinner in the world.
If I can rebuke and, if necessary, physically restrain the neighbor being a peeping Tom -- and I can -- you darn betcha I can put a stop to "drone peeping" anyway necessary. When you're married and have kids, maybe you'll get a better grasp of that reality.