have i?
i love mercy. what do you think of mercy? need any?
really man, i don't know what you're on about. but it sounds to me like you love condemning others.
Natural goodness will always break, always disappoint, why? Because the Bible tells us that..."The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" Never trust anything in yourself that God has not placed there thru the regeneration of Our Lord Jesus Christ; and never trust anything saving that in anyone else.
That is simply the stern platform I see Bibleteacher33 standing on. He quotes Scripture and people call him a person lacking Mercy and a person delivering condemnation, yet this stance is one all Christians will stand on: The Gospel unabashed, these are Gods truths, not our common sense interpretations, and it will resolve us onto a lonely platform, because your message will be craved for but it's way of being presented will be resented. The Gospel of Jesus Christ awakens an intense craving and an equally intense resentment. We need to base our personal love on the merits of Christ in us, all roads travel there the relationship aimed at Him, with Him, and for Him, not on a love based on men, or mankind.
Personal love for men will have you call immorality simply a weakness, and Holiness a mere aspiration; but personal love for the Lord will make you call immorality devilish, and Holiness the only thing that can stand in the light of God. The only safety for anyone presenting the Word is to face his/her soul not with his/her people, or even with his/her message, but to face his/her soul with his/her Savior all the time.