One of my Dead Guys (commentators I read while studying), said something today about these verses that got me thinking.
Num. 10:35 And whenever the ark set out, Moses said, “Arise, O Lord, and let your enemies be scattered, and let those who hate you flee before you.”36 And when it rested, he said, “Return, O Lord, to the ten thousand thousands of Israel.”
It wasn't the ark leading the Israelites in the wilderness. (It was in the middle of the huge column of the Israelites.) It was that fire-cloud of God. That column of cloud in the day and fire at night. (They also suggested the cloud never changed, it was just the light or lack of light that made the aspect of the cloud/God seem like a cloud in the day and fire at night. I just thought that was cool.)
And that fire-cloud covered the people as they walked. And it covered them when they camped. It was their mantle protecting them. It was God protecting them. He's their safety net.
Men are supposed to be the mantle for women. Not all men to all women but chosen men for certain women. A father. If no father, an older brother or uncle. If not them, a pastor. And, if married the husband.
I'm capable of doing my own walking -- physically and metaphorically, although the physically is waning. lol I'm capable of following God, although I really need that cloud to guide me or I could end up on the opposite side of the world from The Promise Land. But the enemy does come, and no, it's not always Satan. I'm not even sure it's usually Satan. Seems like people to me most the time. The ones who hurt the most are usually family -- blood and spiritual. I am so very glad for my mantles over the years -- my husband most of all. He protects me. I trust him. I trust him because he's always there for me when I need him protecting me. And he trusts me to protect him. (Lay off my hubby unless you want a snout full of me.
) He's able to do that even now, even disabled, because he's got his mantle -- that same cloud in the wilderness but without that form to prove it's God.
I go to the Family Forum on here. Most of the posts on there are families falling apart. Many times it has already gone to cheating.
Some younger men come on this forum to tell us women how to act in church. I find them amusing since I know my mantles. (Two of them for me -- God and hubby. Most women have two or more mantles. Many of them have a mantle of a pastor or dad too.)
It seems to me that the only way a marriage ends up with cheating is if the mantle was discarded. And, yes, sometimes the mantle was never put on to be discarded, but that's supposed to be the purpose of being evenly yoked -- two believers in the marriage.
So, guys? Got to ask? What shape is your mantle in today? Have you even looked at it lately to know? Do you make sure it's used properly all the time? The mantle around the ark was lovely draperies with cherubim on them. Over those were laid thick animal skins to protect them. What's your mantle look like and is it used well to protect the women you're supposed to be protecting? We count on God. We really do. But I love the extra mantle of my hubby's protection too. I trust him because he has proven trustworthy.
Num. 10:35 And whenever the ark set out, Moses said, “Arise, O Lord, and let your enemies be scattered, and let those who hate you flee before you.”36 And when it rested, he said, “Return, O Lord, to the ten thousand thousands of Israel.”
It wasn't the ark leading the Israelites in the wilderness. (It was in the middle of the huge column of the Israelites.) It was that fire-cloud of God. That column of cloud in the day and fire at night. (They also suggested the cloud never changed, it was just the light or lack of light that made the aspect of the cloud/God seem like a cloud in the day and fire at night. I just thought that was cool.)
And that fire-cloud covered the people as they walked. And it covered them when they camped. It was their mantle protecting them. It was God protecting them. He's their safety net.
Men are supposed to be the mantle for women. Not all men to all women but chosen men for certain women. A father. If no father, an older brother or uncle. If not them, a pastor. And, if married the husband.
I'm capable of doing my own walking -- physically and metaphorically, although the physically is waning. lol I'm capable of following God, although I really need that cloud to guide me or I could end up on the opposite side of the world from The Promise Land. But the enemy does come, and no, it's not always Satan. I'm not even sure it's usually Satan. Seems like people to me most the time. The ones who hurt the most are usually family -- blood and spiritual. I am so very glad for my mantles over the years -- my husband most of all. He protects me. I trust him. I trust him because he's always there for me when I need him protecting me. And he trusts me to protect him. (Lay off my hubby unless you want a snout full of me.
I go to the Family Forum on here. Most of the posts on there are families falling apart. Many times it has already gone to cheating.
Some younger men come on this forum to tell us women how to act in church. I find them amusing since I know my mantles. (Two of them for me -- God and hubby. Most women have two or more mantles. Many of them have a mantle of a pastor or dad too.)
It seems to me that the only way a marriage ends up with cheating is if the mantle was discarded. And, yes, sometimes the mantle was never put on to be discarded, but that's supposed to be the purpose of being evenly yoked -- two believers in the marriage.
So, guys? Got to ask? What shape is your mantle in today? Have you even looked at it lately to know? Do you make sure it's used properly all the time? The mantle around the ark was lovely draperies with cherubim on them. Over those were laid thick animal skins to protect them. What's your mantle look like and is it used well to protect the women you're supposed to be protecting? We count on God. We really do. But I love the extra mantle of my hubby's protection too. I trust him because he has proven trustworthy.