I come from a very traditional community, where there is a way of doing well things. When my husband passed away 2 years ago I had to go throu gh a mourning period for a year (it's traditional). Although I didn't wear black for the whole thing year ( also traditional ) because of religious beliefs and because I wore uniform at work, I still had to cover my head and ware long dresses for the whole year. After the mourning period was over, I was free to dress the way I used to dress before. It's been two years now but I still cover my head and still wear long dresses, I use this as a shield, because for some reason men seem to think that I need a man in my life. Colleagues who were never so friendly now they just too friendly and just men in general are just too friendly for my linking, so the way I dress I dress is my way of saying "not interested" but they don't seem to get the message. I still ware my wedding ring and I don't plan to ever take if off. In my culture that's how married women dress and everyone can tell from the way you dress that you off the market, but why do I still get this unwanted attention even with my shield on? Any advice please?