Mystery Babylon is decidedly not Catholic. They have their doctrinal issues but they worship the correct God. To worship a "harlot" means you must worship a false god.
Catholicism doesn't worship the harlot, it Is the harlot. Harlot mom of little harlots, if we can talk about Christianity Denominations generally. 'Harlot' signifies the mixture, the dilution, of teachings and even experiences of the Lord, with idol-worship including ceremonialism and law-keeping, money-enterprises and clergy-laity
The key to being any pagan religion is that you worship false god(s)/idol(s). Islam worships a false god, "Allah" and a false prophet, "Muhammad." In comparing Catholics to Islam which of the two is more of a false religion? Also, there are more followers of Islam than there is of Catholicism.
Islam outright denies Christ. His person and work, His deity and His crucifixion for redemption. It outright, I believe, accuses the New Testament of failing or being lost/falsified. (I think it makes the same ridiculous claim about the OT.) Islam is beyond false. It's evil and stupid. There's no pretense of being the kingdom of Christ. Which is what the 'mixed Church,' like Orthodoxy and Catholicism, pretend.
another clue of the identity of the "Harlot."
Revelation 13:10
He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.
This concept of being "captive" to one's religion is used specifically for the Harlot and the Beast from the Sea which are Muslim nations. We already saw the idea that Hagar is the "Bondwoman" in that she is enslaved from Gal 4. We see that her offspring (from Ishmael) will persecute the Jews. One could never call the Catholic faith an "enslaving" religion. They are perhaps the least enslaving faith on earth with license to do pretty much whatever they want for the price of a few "Hail Mary's." However, Islam is perhaps the most enslaving religion on the planet. You have to follow their customs "religiously" or face death.
Islam is big in the news now. It's demonic and insane, and self-mutilating. This reminds me of God's judgment against Israel's enemies in Judges or wherever----to make them fight one another rather than Israel. In their insanity and blindness.
But Islam is neither Revelation's harlot or its beast. The harlot is the counterfeit church, in which however are and have been many precious members of Christ. Which is why He calls them out of her. The harlot represents a collective, and a religion.
The beast was and is the 4th beast, the final beast, in Daniel. Rome. But in particular in Revelation, her final Caesar, her final king. The 7th who become the 8th, Rv 17:7-15. Who, as the 8th, is 666. Nero's spirit resuscitating the assassinated body of the 7th. (The death-wound as in 13:3.)
Once the Israelites passed through the Red Sea they entered modern day Saudi Arabia. Here,
in the wilderness of Arabia, they came to Mt. Sinai where Mosses was given the Law. Upon descending Mt. Sinai, Mosses found that his people made a "golden calf" idol to worship. This was obviously a custom they learned in Egypt. Where was John taken to see Mystery Babylon, the Mother of all Harlots?
[SUP]3 [/SUP]So he carried me away in the Spirit into the wilderness. And I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast...
The same exact wilderness John's fathers were when they worshiped the golden calf idol.
What was the first and most important of all commandments?
[SUP]3 [/SUP]“You shall have no other gods before Me.
All these Scriptures are wonderful. And you're commended for knowing and reading them.
But this kind of interpreting is a stretch. It is ............ unnecessarily convoluted and forced.
I can try to think of ways to help you. In one sense it is no big deal. In that if you see it not
come to pass (just as if I see it come to pass), our responsibility and person doesn't change:
we're still responsible to gain the Lord.
The ultimate help, as in certain other nonessential subjects, will be to see in time whether
it transpires or not