Don't try and go all Mahatma Gandhi when u went to my profile n found a pic that u could put up here in a public forum, n suggest that the picture is how I dress. You could have made your point about modest dress without using my art I store or without directing it at me - YOU chose to direct it at ME and make it personal and in a way that would embarrass me in a public forum . And now u wanna claim the high moral ground of just educating me - Wow men.grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
zoii, he's trying to make a point and if you would stop being so upset for a minute, you would see what his point is. Many women (and some men) here have put up inappropriate avatars of themselves, not realizing that at the camera angle, it makes them look like their not wearing a shirt. Having angel art is all good and fine, BUT not when the angels are dressed in skimpy outfits and heels. That's NOT realistic of how an angel looks. The angel in your avatar here is showing more skin than clothes.
THAT'S the point PW is trying to make. Stop viewing it as criticism, and accept it for what it is: a fact that immodest dress ( and even modest dress) makes guys eyes wander and their thoughts turn lustful. This isn't about YOU personally, it's about how even if a woman, or man, dresses appropriately, you can still receive unwanted attention.
And if you don't want people here viewing embarassing pictures, then either don't post them or make your photo albums private..