It sounds like you do not know any bipolar people. Seriously, if you did, you would know how they really are not in control of their minds or actions, and regret terribly things they have done while manic.
That is not just adultery, but so many things where the person gets hypomanic and goes off the wall. I was just counseling a woman today, who thinks she might have lost the job she needs so badly to keep because of some inappropriate things she said and did (not sexual) She is so upset. And the reason she is having this episode is because of the drug prednisone which she has to take for another disease triggers her bipolar.
In fact, I have many RA friends, and they all cite how they go off the wall when on prednisone. These are normal people. Yet they have rages and anger on prednisone that is simply not there when they are not on the drug. Actually, pretty much everyone I talk to that is on large doses of prednisone have terrible side effects.
To say nothing of an interesting side effect from a Parkinson's Drug called Miraplex. It is a drug that targets the lower brain stem to stop the continual motion that people with Parkinson's have. But it sometimes "leaks" into the upper brain stem, which is where bipolar disorder originates. Some people end up with bipolar like symptoms, and have literally lost or almost lost their homes and families till this side effect was discovered. CTV did a fascinating show on this, with two real life people, one of whom became a compulsive gambler -a woman. The other one, a man, became porn obsessed. But his wife stuck with him, and when he went off the drug, the porn addiction was just gone. For that matter, I knew a bipolar woman who was put on Miraplex, because she was in the early stages of Parkinsons. You talk about a messed up person. I got her help and off the drug, but the relationship was damaged, I confess! (Sorry the link to the show does not show up!) This is a link to the gist of the story.
W5: Parkinson's drug with bad side effects | CTV News
It really is Middle Ages medicine to deny the effects of neurotransmitters on the brain, and their involvement with mental illness. If a drug can give you bipolar symptoms then go away when off of it, doesn't that show conclusively that these disorders are based on malfunctioning physical brains?
And yes, adultery is sin. But mental illness is not a "voluntary" sin. Mental illness does destroy marriages, but it is not a"willful" sin. I guess I find it shocking to be reminded of ignorant some people are about mental illness because I work with people with mood disorders every day.
I suppose the same people who judge and condemn the mentally ill are the same people who tell people not to take medicine for their physical problems.
Because if a drug, like an anti-psychotic can turn your life around, stop the mania or depression, then it really was about chemicals in the brain, wasn't it??