Wow, Kenneth! I am going to bookmark this site. Then, when I want to quote something that has totally twisted not just the statistics but the facts, compared apples to koala bears, and dumped a lot of wishful thinking in, I will have a good example to show people.
Here is the real truth: (in deaths by guns per 100,000 population)
Canada: 2.2
Japan: .06
UK: .26
Aus. .86
Germ 1.24
France 3.01
USA: 10.64
So who has the most deaths due to guns in 1st world countries? I leave you to figure it out. The math is right there.
Another interesting fact it brought up was this:
Fact: The crime rate is 66% higher in four Canadian Prairie Provinces than in the northern US states across the border."Hmm, I have lived in Canada most of my life, and I would swear there are only THREE Canadian Prairie provinces. Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. In fact, I have lived in Alberta half my life, and this is what I was taught in school.
But moving on from that obvious error, yes, there is a high rate of gun violence in the prairie provinces, especially in Manitoba, and also in the NWT and Nunavut. At the risk of being racist, the fact is that most of that violence is in the aboriginal population. But considering how our native populations have been treated, esp. in the prairies provinces, that is the logical result.