So why do the cities with the strictest gun control policies have the highest violent crime rates? What kind of gun control do you advocate?
The cities with the strict gun control and high gun crime rates are still in states or near states with lax gun policy.
I advocate totally destroying the gun from the face of the earth since I know history and where this machination originates from, and it comes from religion, but not the good kind.
Seeing that this will not happen though, any measure is fine by me. Anything to spare my people from this violence is welcome. It's an ironic position we find ourselves in. The strongest anti-gun man must ally with the strongest pro-gun man to try to reduce gun violence for the sake of the people. The gun advocates must ally with the gun control advocates to reduce the gun violence before the government uses the violence as an excuse to totally disarm them.
Some ideas I've floated around, and they are not exclusive to me; raise the age limit, reduce the overall number of guns, restrict certain types of guns especially military-style guns, tougher background checks, tougher criteria to own a gun, buyback programs, crackdown and confiscate weapons from known gangsters and gangland areas, and a return to chivalry (lol that last one might be wishful thinking). Any one or combination or all of these is good.
What can you think of? If we are creative and if we align to do this then we'll both get what we want, a reduction in gun violence while still protecting the so-called responsible gun owner. If we do not do anything though then we both get what we do not want which is either mass gun violence like Syria or a totalitarian hellhole like the communist regimes of old.