I really need some advice in regards to my marriage. Before I got married my husband cheated on me with another man. He said he did it because he had always wondered what it would be like. At this moment I realized that we had been both living in sin. We were intimate prior to marriage and at the time I believed there were no consequences to any of our actions. I repented for my sins and accepted Jesus into my life right then. We both started going to church and refrained from relations until we were married. My husband has never accepted Jesus. I thought that he may eventually. We have been struggling in our marriage, and recently I discovered he has been watching porn. I don't know what to do. I have stuck with my marital vows, even when times have gotten rough between us. I never strayed, and if anything I have sacrificed more in order to make him happy when times have gotten rough. I don't know what to do, I want to forgive him as I made a vow to him till death do us part, but at the same time I can't trust him. I feel like he has already hurt me once before, and now he is hurting me again. The only way I can make sure he doesn't hurt me a third time is if I cut the relationship off. I am so conflicted, and I guess I just need some advice as well as somebody to talk to. I am so alone with this, I can't talk with anybody we know as I don't want to expose his dirty little secrets. What do I do? Please advise.