Aphasia. Might want to look up the word, since clearly you have no understanding of tat either.
You're bad attitude? When do you have a good one? (I actually know that answer, but you won't hear it.)
My bad attitude? Some days I have it. Some I don't.
You're bad attitude? When do you have a good one? (I actually know that answer, but you won't hear it.)
My bad attitude? Some days I have it. Some I don't.
I regards to the OP....we teach people how to treat us. How did you teach your husband to treat you before you were married? How do you teach people treat you in general? I've found that insecurities give people license to walk on you. Say what you mean and mean what you say! In my view, one of the biggest problems in marriage are due to the fact that most people suck at taking care of themselves....spiritually, emotional and physically. We try to find our significance in a person instead of Jesus.