Hmmmm... I'm reading these posts and I'm wondering, how it's possible, that seems to be intelligent people have not notice what the subject of that topic is.
No one even dares to talk about the subject. Maybe the defense is simple. Talk about it and we will label you as antisemitic!
There are very important factors in all that subject and one dare to touch it!
Do you read sometimes you Bible? When you do, do you understand just a little of it!?
I doubt! And I have plenty of evidences, that how you do understand the subject of that thread, that's how most of ya understand the Bible.
Simple? Of course!
What puzzles me, everyone has agreed with my couple posts, which is tremendous progress. And I didn't started as yet!
So all of ya agree that Israel is a fake, lucyferian tool to make a false temple for Antichrist!
Let's go a little further, a little deeper, shall we?
If Masons are planing rebuilding the Salomon Temple and Masons are Luciferians, the goal seems to be an obvious one. And Masons are working with Temple Institute together. At leats their goal seems to be the same.
As I've proven before, the goals of luciferians is to annihilate all religion except of luciferianism.
What is very interesting, God has the plan to destroy the Babylon the Great - imperium of the false religion. Rev 17 chapter.
So what that means? In the process of annihilation of all religion God will direct perpetrators actions!
Because that is God's judgement upon man made religion with Vatican as the Great Harlot.
And Great Harlot rides... the Beast - Masonic Zionism.
What that means, rebuilding the Temple means III WW and God's judgement on Great Harlot!
The first time after Yahshua times God will take an action again in human history!
In a satan' world God will serve the judgment on all false religion, because it's His master plan, as described in Revelation.
Any questions?
Or you will again agree with all my points?
I can't teach you English, but... I can teach you the TRUTH!
Any questions?