WOF is such an old heresy rebuffed by none other than God's Word itself...
1 John 5:14-15 KJVS
[14] And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: [15] And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.
Claim it all you want, but it also has to be according to His will.
Knowing the will of God.
What is the will of God, or how can we know what His will is?
God is sovereign, but His word is His will, it is a law that is established forever in heaven. He has put His word above all His names, and He has to perform it, because Jesus IS the Word of God, therefore He cannot deny Himself. It is said that we cannot put God in a box. Just because you see it that way, doesn't mean it is that way. Again those who say such things reveal their ignorance of God, His will, and how His kingdom operates, when even the devil moved His hand against Job and the people moved Jesus to do what they wanted by healing and delievering them? God has limited Himself in many things because of our faith, not because of a lack of willingness on His part. If God didn't want something or a law a certain way, He is smart enough to know what laws and restrictions to set and what not to set. God has to do what He said He would do in His word. If He doesn't, then He lied.
1Jn 5:14 And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:
So if it is His will, whatever we ask for will be given to us, for He will hear us. Since hearing is associated with doing. Isn't that what this verse says? Which means, if you don't know what His will is, then you don't know if He heard you, therefore you will not have any confidence that what you asked for has been given to you or done. At best, it will be the same old wishful thinking or hoping, that I mentioned above. It's not going to happen. God doesn't answer hopeful prayers.
So how do we know if what we desire is His will or not?
If you don't believe what God said in His word, if you don't know if He wants you and your loved ones healthy and/or healed, then you are in for some hard times and big time failures.
Most of you, act like you are in a boat with no powered motor, in a fast moving river. And for some of you, there is a huge waterfall at the end. And you just wait for it.
If you are waiting to see what happens or what the outcome will be after you pray, to see whether or not it was God's will, or to determine what His will was, then again, you are in for the same kind of fall or failures. If this is your method for finding out what the will of God is, then you have seriously and completely missed it. What do you think, "fight the good fight of faith" means? It didn't say fight the fight of THE FAITH, which would refer to the Christian faith. But of faith, which is referring to the thing in which you are/were praying for or desiring. If you don't know what the will of God is before you pray, then you are simply HOPING. Is that what you were doing to get yourself saved? Were you hoping God would save you when you said the sinner's prayer, asking Jesus to come into your heart and to be lord of your life? If you did, then you didn't get saved my friend. Do you find in scripture, that God will give you what you hope for apart from faith? And yet most of you do just that when you pray, because you don't know what His will is. If it is not hoping then it is wishing, when you say, "I will wait and see what happens" or when you stupidly pray in total ignorance, "if it be His will". In most cases, nothing happens, so you say, 'I GUESS it wasn't God's will after all'. Using the outcome to determine the will of God. Which is why most of you had to pervert the word of God to explain away or say why your prayers failed in the first place, and to explain why it wasn't God's will to heal so and so. WHERE IN THE BIBLE DID YOU READ THAT CRAP?! Talk about a doctrine of devils,... that's it! That's what I call stupidity personified! And yet most of you do just that. How do I know? Well first of all, many of you have written that foolishness and argued against the doctrine of WOF, NICI, and BIGI on CC. And secondly, if you don't know that name it claim it, as you like to call it, is a truth of God, then you don't know how faith works, and if you don't know how faith works, then you too will fall to the foolishness of hoping it to be, “His will”. For that IS one form of faith in action.
Where have you read in the bible that the God kind of faith was based on, the uncertainty of knowing God's will, or believing in a particular person, situation, circumstance, the words of a person, like a doctor, hope or wishful thinking, wavering, double minded, medication, treatments, or in any other thing in this world? In short, the God like or God kind of faith is based solely on trusting in God's faithfulness to perform His written word. There are of course, other things to consider. Such as what your attitude is and what comes out of your mouth in the interim period. Once you come to know and act on God's word, then as Jesus said, "nothing shall be impossible to you". If you're not sure what God is going to do for you, or what His will is concerning the thing you asked for, then it is not the God kind of faith, and the chances or likelihood of God moving on your behalf is very minimal, because it will be based on hope, not faith. Also, if you are walking in any kind of fear of bad or evil things happening, or the contrary of what you asked for in prayer, then your faith is in the negative and the law of fear, which is the reciprocal of faith, will cause the bad to come to pass in your life as it did in Job's.
Job 3:25 For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me.
The reciprocal of faith is called, fear. It too is a law of God, and will cause the bad thing in which you believe could happen, to come to pass when you act on that fear. That was one of Job's sins. Like faith, fear requires corresponding action to that which you are afraid of. The more you act on it, the more of a hold it will have on you, and cause the thing which you fear, to come to pass or to manifest itself in the natural.
Everything in the natural world is subject to change, and it is especially true to God and His word, which is law, for His word is forever settled in heaven.
Again, if you want to know what God's will is, then look at what He said in the bible. For God's word IS His will, and what He said He will do in His word, is exactly what He will do, and nothing short of what is written in His word, because that is what He wanted. The will of God is according to what He wrote/said.
Num 23:19 God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?
Why do you believe that it is God's will or desire for all men to be saved? Isn't it because He said in His word that He doesn't wish that any should perish?
2Pe 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
Just because you didn't get what you asked for in the past, doesn't mean you know everything there is to know about God, His will, or how the kingdom of heaven operates when you start thinking that it wasn't His will in the first place. Quite the contrary, it reveals your ignorance.
Your pride causes you to pervert scripture by reasoning away or making excuses for your failures to receive, whether it be for yourself or others.
By-the-way, just because you or any other person prays a heart felt prayer with tears and sobings, doesn't mean God will or is obligated to answer. Yes, God is touched by the feelings of our infirmity, but in every case, without faith, God will not and does not move on the behalf of the person praying. God does not watch over our prayers or tears, but over His word. Nor does He move because of our feelings, but because of His faith in us.
This does not however, negate God's love for and toward us. God is love and He still loves us, but He still watches over all His word to perform it. Many people, especially women, don't like to see God this way, and so reject it because they are compassionate and caring, and therefore think God would be the same way.
Mat 23:12 “And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.” The “whosoever” includes you, the so-called child of God. It doesn't matter who you are, for God is no respecter of persons, if you exalt yourself, God WILL humiliate or mortify you.
There are of course times when we need directions, not knowing where to go or what to do. If such is the case, then God tells us to ask Him what to do or where to go in faith, nothing waivering, and He WILL answer. “Nothing waivering” means exactly that,... nothing, not even the slightest doubt. If you waiver any or are double minded even just a little, then God said, “let not that man think that He shall receive ANYTHING of the lord”. That not only means the knowledge you just asked God for, but for anything else that you might ask Him for. Which translates into, you get absolutely nothing, through hoping, wishing, waivering, being double minded, or fearing. Now are you going to try and tell me again that those who have TRIED this WOF stuff, did so without ANY waivering, not even the least bit? And that you know this for certain, like you can see into there heart? So who do you think I'm going to believe, when I am told that so and so believed that way and died? You or that which is written in the bible?
Jas 1:5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
Jas 1:6 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.
Jas 1:7 For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.
If you will notice, the word says, “...and it SHALL be given him”. Did you see a 'maybe' in there anywhere. What about, 'if it be His will', it shall be given him? Well, if you didn't see it there to start with, then why do you continue putting it there, or adding to it, as though it is there or that it's suppose to be there, while condemning those who believe it the way it is written? I thought the bible was suppose to be the source of your faith in which you believe. Well, the bible is no longer God's word if you keep rewriting it, to say what you want it to say, or what you have been taught. Why don't you just believe the pure word of God, just as it is written, instead of turning His word into a lie of the devil.
If God refuses to give you anything you ask for because of your lack of faith, then it would hold true to that which you speak, say, or command as well. Even if you say it in the name of Jesus. Though every knee has to bow at the name of Jesus, without faith, it has no power. The same holds true with the word of God. Without faith, there is no power in it. Same thing with your prayers, without faith, no power in it and nothing will happen.