I miss playing Final Fantasy ...
Can anyone recommend a game that "plays like" Diablo (the first one), but isn't as ... eh, demonic?
I came to that thread about favourite video games way too late, but I noticed no one mentioned perhaps the best Diablo style game made.
Path of Exile.
It's legitimately free to download. There are in-game purchases, but no game advancing in-game purchases like most games. They're super awesome about that.
Exact style of game as Diablo 2, but the skill tree for character customisation is 100 time bigger... or even bigger. So many types of character per actual character!

Not kidding, super awesome if you love those sorts of grinding games (huh, ironically that's the production company's name - never noticed). It also has a giant online community if you want to play with people, or you go into the wilderness without a party you can do it alone.
Haha, Alright, enough fanboying for Path of Exile.