Okay, today has gotta be one of the most productive days I've ever had. I was sick for more than a week and didn't really get to do anything. I may have gone to work with half my mind working, other than that, nothing else worth mentioning. Now that I'm well, I did my laundry first thing in the morning. Cleaned and gave my room a new look.
(Entrance to my room)
(Colors for my closet, took forever, I'll have to schedule another day to decorate my walls. My music board is still empty, I have a long list of songs to write and re-make that I don't know where to start, but I'll think about that tomorrow.)
(Still a little messy, need another desk for my printer)
And gave this guy a bath:
Went to buy school supplies for my decorating, was gonna buy books but I was already carrying a lot so I'll have to do that another day, or order online teehee. Got home and did my groceries online. Went out biking, dropped by 7-11 to get something to eat. Got home and had dinner with friends. Now I'm so ready to just relax. I'm calling tomorrow a Sabbath day and will probably just lay in bed all day lol. Probably not though.
Oh and I have this big empty wall for my keyboard/workstation when I buy it. But wall looks so dull, I was thinking of pasting a picture of a guitar above, hmmm, either that or a trumpet.