According to some people I am attention seeking. According to those same people you can't grow in Christ if you have a healthy self-esteem. You must always think bad of yourself and are not allowed to even consider the fact that you might not be the scum of the earth. If I have misquoted you feel free to correct me.
So here's the deal, it is a SAD day when I am treated better by non-Christians, Athiests, even satanists (yes I have met a satanist who offered to include me in activities. They weren't satanic activities but I still declined) than I am by Christians. I dunno if anyone else has had this experience but if you have please speak up.
Also to those hate- oh exsuse me, "loving" on me, you don't know me. You have never sat down face to face with me. Feelings do matter and they do exsist. The church is stinking cessspool of people too inscure and too stuck up to admit that they might be wrong every now and then. What now? Well now I leave, AGAIN! Aside from the few who were actually nice to me on here you are some of the most revolting people I have ever come into contact with!
So here's the deal, it is a SAD day when I am treated better by non-Christians, Athiests, even satanists (yes I have met a satanist who offered to include me in activities. They weren't satanic activities but I still declined) than I am by Christians. I dunno if anyone else has had this experience but if you have please speak up.
Also to those hate- oh exsuse me, "loving" on me, you don't know me. You have never sat down face to face with me. Feelings do matter and they do exsist. The church is stinking cessspool of people too inscure and too stuck up to admit that they might be wrong every now and then. What now? Well now I leave, AGAIN! Aside from the few who were actually nice to me on here you are some of the most revolting people I have ever come into contact with!