First as the video proves their is no evidence of thermite being used...its all a fantasy ... and every point these conspiracy folks bring up is proven to just be the imagination of someone who wants to believe the worst in others ..kinda like the "accuser" has gained control of peoples minds and they see some evil plot behind everyone .. 911 was not a government conspiracy was a attack by muslim extremist . Yes I use Youtube because its seems the only way some are able to perceive this world.
[video=youtube;YxljFOCZ6TU] BzI9gamfS9eJRdgEK[/video]
It does not prove thermite was not used, that is their opinion.........
Like I said I have gone through and watched a number of these already and they do not prove anything was not used, and again show me ever in history any other buildings that have totally collapsed or collapsed in demolition style by just structure fires ???
You will not find one in the past besides the 3 trade center buildings that all happened on the same day.
I gave you previously one video of a witness who was actually in WTC 7 who mysteriously ended up dead a few months later. Yet you played his report off for people who was not even there who are just giving their opinion.
I would choose to take their testimony over people who was not even there !!!
He is not the only one either as there is a big number of witnesses who reported explosions not related to the planes crashing in the building. Cops, firefighters, workers from the towers, and so on........
How do you explain the explosions seen on footage just before the planes hit ???
(It is not a lens flare as it can be seen from different angles in multiple footages.)
How do you explain the hole in the Pentagon before collapse was only 16 feet across ???
How do you explain flight 93 being reported by an airport as making an emergency landing there an hour after it supposedly crashed in the field ???
These are just a few questions that have been unanswered, or the answers given did not fit or hold any credibility to it !!!