As previously stated, most of the early theoritical basics of evolution have been complicated out of existance. Biology no longer has quaint 19th century assumptions, although they are still found in evolutionary theory. Complex organisms are operant by millions of interdependent biochemical processes. They work together, and take one away the effects are an inoperative system. All would have to evolve TOGETHER since without the others each one would not achieve a survival advantage. Remember the old "eye" analogy? You know "first it was a cell that was more sensitive to light." The eye is a highly complex structure that requires all parts working simultaneously or...nothing. And what about something less complex, like a rotifer? A mouth on one end, a agitator on the other and a body. Perfect little machine, take away anything and it no longer works. What was it before it was a rotifer? Evolution cannot, and has never been observed. Adaptation, already encoded in the genome can be observed, but it does NOT explain transpeciation. We forget that because of statements like "the gorilla and man share a common ancestor." This sounds plausible because of some somatype similarieis. But for evolution to be operative its a nonsense statement because every living thing in existance...plant, animal, microorganisms...would share a common ancestor. We've been conditioned to accept shorthand thinking..."a million monkeys typing on a million typewriters for a million years will eventually produce the complete works of Shakespeare"...bunk, with no basis in statistical science. You'll just get a bunch of gobbledygook, even if you change the million to a trillion. But it forms perceptions which make it easier to swallow the bigger lie.
Evolution is magic, occultism, or religion masquerading as science. It is not measureable, it is not reproducible, it is not testable. It is hypothesis presented as fact, and no other explanations need apply. And once again, adaptation is NOT evolution, and I don't care if you find them linked on a google search. They are linked because adaptation and selective breeding can be tested, measured, and reproduced and the rest of what is required for evolution to be operative tries to ride on those coattails. "If adaptation is observable, evolution must be true." The point has been made on this thread, but there is ZERO evidence that adaptation led to transpeciation. If you don't have transpeciation you don't have evolution.
And it's not because scientists haven't been desperately looking for evidence for the last hundred years or so. Even when the similarities between DNA and computer code is noted, scientists have a bias to claim there is no programmer.
It just boggles the mind.
Evolution is magic, occultism, or religion masquerading as science. It is not measureable, it is not reproducible, it is not testable. It is hypothesis presented as fact, and no other explanations need apply. And once again, adaptation is NOT evolution, and I don't care if you find them linked on a google search. They are linked because adaptation and selective breeding can be tested, measured, and reproduced and the rest of what is required for evolution to be operative tries to ride on those coattails. "If adaptation is observable, evolution must be true." The point has been made on this thread, but there is ZERO evidence that adaptation led to transpeciation. If you don't have transpeciation you don't have evolution.
And it's not because scientists haven't been desperately looking for evidence for the last hundred years or so. Even when the similarities between DNA and computer code is noted, scientists have a bias to claim there is no programmer.
It just boggles the mind.