Word of faith brainwashing spiel...it is part of the false nAme it and claim it gospel.
Makes my heart hurt that so many are deceived and hurt by such twisting of scripture.
God didn't give people a magic wand,.or lamp where whatever you say comes true or is true,
No God gave us the Holy Spirit who can make us and our children godly, but seeing people living in sin and calling them godly is a lie.
It is false teaching and will be punished by God. He calls such teachers clouds without rain, blemishes in the feast.
We are all given faith which we are to grow and add to by the grace of the Holy spirit.
We add virtue, then wisdom, then self control and then godliness....eventually leading to brotherly kindness and love.
Godliness comes from walking with the Spirit.
I would rather the parent say "I will pray God will strike my child down and make them fall on their knees repenting of their sins and asking God for forgiveness. Break their hearts oh Lord, so that you may turn their hearts of stone seeking only sin, into humble contrite hearts seeking Your will, filled with Your love and wisdom. Take away the wisdom of the world and fill it with Your truth."