Dear Bobie,
I have had this issue repeatedly in my life, initially, before I was a Christian, I had a MAJOR LUST ISSUE, and it led to horrible difficulties in my earliest years as a young man, pornography, chasing anyone in a skirt, etc.......Satan had me hooked through my nose and was pulling me around any which way he wanted to..........uuugh! Trust me it was not pretty at all.
The LORD dealt with this, however, by a very simple procedure................I kept hearing from various ministers, churches here and there, about asking GOD to give me HIS EYES, meaning how HE sees life, people, and all the rest.............Well I kept doing this for a long time, and I GUESS WHEN I REALLY MEANT IT, HE DID JUST THAT. Now that was years and years ago, and it enabled me to SEE EVERY OLD PERSON AS MY MOTHER OR FATHER, OR GRANDMOTHER OR GRANDFATHER, EVERY WOMAN IN AND AROUND MY OWN AGE AS MY SISTER , AND LIKEWISE FOR MY BROTHERS, AND EVERY YOUNG LADY OR MAN AS MY CHILDREN..............
This caused the "IDOLATRY" That I was experiencing to just vanish in about a week or so..............Yeah the enemy kept trying to come back at me and tempt me again to go down that road, but I just kept telling him I AM DELIVERED FROM THIS, AND I WILL NOT OBEY HIM ANYMORE............
That's what GOD did for me and I am happy to say it's still working the same way today, as it was in the first week.......
I am praying for you ...........