Hey y'all! I was in class today and I was thinking about what makes us who we are. What are our likes and dislikes. I felt that the most important ones are those we think are overrated and those that are underrated. For example...most people like chocolate. But if someone told you he didn't like chocolate, it helps knowing that they're different in that way. Maybe he's allergic...or prefers to stay away from sweets altogether?
Our likes and dislikes are not equal to our personality obviously...but they help built it and bring it together.
So I thought it would be fun to create a thread where we could list and maybe discuss some of the things we think are overrated or underrated. And if you want to explain why, go ahead.
I'll go first.
Mexican food - I'm Mexican, but I hate it! I don't like the smell and it looks really weird to me lol. I'm a very picky eater.
Superhero movies - So I grew up somewhat poor. I hardly ever went to the movies only when my uncle Rich would take me and my brother. My uncle Rich is a nerd (I mean that in a good way) and loves Superheroes. So of course that's all we would ever watch. Sometimes I just wanted to watch a Disney Princess movie, not another Spiderman one. So this is why I don't really care for any Superhero films and still watch
Beauty and the Beast as a woman in my 20s. BTW I love my uncle Rich very much and I do appreciate him taking us either way. I have good memories. I guess it was mostly because I didn't understand these movies as a child. And I do like Spiderman right now...just don't LOVE it. Know what I mean?
High School - HS was bloody awful for me and I'm glad it's over. I've noticed American movies tend to overrate it and paint it as the best years of someone's life..."as if!"
3D - I don't like watching anything in 3D...it hurts my eyes.
Twerking - When I see it I'm all like "what is this, I don't even!?!?"
Tattoos - I don't like them.
Alcohol - I tasted it once...it was gross!
Classical Music - In my generation many people don't even know who Bach is.
The original purpose of college - I think nowadays college is viewed as an experience, a time to explore, leave the nest, drink, party and do stupid stuff. Back in my grandmother's time it was viewed as an opportunity to better one's self and to learn things only those that are educated would know. Most college grads now don't know much more than they did when they first started. A lot of this has to do with the students themselves but mostly the way they are being taught. If you're interested in learning more about this check out
Declining By Degrees: Higher Education at Risk on youtube.
Jesus - Most underrated person of all time!
Pale skin and dark hair - Tan skin and blond hair have always been the biggest hype for women and as a teen I was always trying to tan unsuccessfully and dye my hair lighter. Now that I'm older, I actually like my skin and hair the way they are. This is the way God wanted me to look and that's how I'm going to be. I like the sharp contrast between them. Once I start getting white hairs though, I'll probably get highlights again lol.
The nine fruits of the Holy Spirit - They are love, patience, goodness, gentleness, kindness, self-control, joy, faithfulness, and peace. I think Christians should talk more about them. Are you bearing these fruits?
WalMart - I really like that store. I buy my groceries there and sometimes find other things for low prices. I think people who say they shop at Target are really WalMart shoppers in secret.
I do like Target but I know WalMart is more affordable.
Doing math problems/learning math - A few years ago I was placed in remedial math at my school. I was told that I needed two years of high school math before I could enter a college level math course. Plus it was going to cost me the same as college classes! I told them "no way" and I found some low priced books and taught myself all the math I needed. Now I'm taking Calculus, a college level class. It was really thrilling and fun to learn all this on my own because I didn't think I had it in me...but I did! That's one of the greatest feelings in life. Doing something you didn't think you were capable of doing.
Well I think that's it for now. Sorry it turned out to be so long! Please don't feel bad if you like one of the things I overrated. These are just my opinions and every one of us is different.
Man! I would REAALLLY have to think about this...because, well, I may not be the most accurate on what and how things are rated in pop culture. Honestly, more than half the time...I'm not a fan of pop culture, but I'm not one of those ~hypsters~ either:
Then again, it depends on 'what-kind' of pop culture, because I was a definitely a gamer...which used to be a smallish click, and has now become a global pop culture of itself... *ehem*
Anywho ~
Some things that are
Kindness... You know, Civility, Chivalry, Courteousness, Propriety (in a Christian model), the golden rule and such... I really wish we could just treat each other respectfully, you know? Get some love, give some love... As cliche as this sounds, it honestly would make the world a better place.
small dose of
existentialism INSOTHAT, similar to St. Francis, we could learn to "Do few things. Do them well. Take your time. Go slowly."
Like most people have realized, at the end of the day, what you do is up to you. Your life is yours to live or not live. In that regard, how much living are we really doing? When's the last time you took more than 10 minutes to just sit, recline, or in some comfortable way...rest (other than sleeping). To just watch and listen without media or something you 'have' to do being involved. I mean, how are we suppose to hear 'the still, small voice' if it's never quiet and we aren't listening?
Feel the sun on your skin for a minute. Catch a snowflake or a raindrop on your tongue. Feel the wind on your face. Listen to your breathing and your beating heart... Take a minute to slow down and check out the flower and trees and birds and various things living all around you.
Sometimes it seems like everyone is in some great big rush to go nowhere, while trying to be 'somebody', and yet...not even knowing who they are now...
“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practise resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms.”
― Henry David Thoreau, Walden: Or, Life in the Woods
Alright... there are a great deal more, but like I said...this is just a starter...an appetizer. Hopefully my ever changing moods, inconsistent will, divergent desires, and all other factors will afford me the means to return and cook the main course.
"The American Dream" - Seriously, I realize I might get hatemail for this, but there is so (and HAS GOT TO BE) so much more to life than getting a certain education, going into debt to continue that education, getting a job that you couldn't get without the education to service that debt, working until you retire...hopefully having a family along the way...and then trying to enjoy your life when you're old until you end up in poor health and die. 0-0 I want a refund.
You have to enjoy life in every step of the journey. It's not just a destination. If that's how we feel, then life is always about 'getting to the next thing', until the next thing is death, and your life is gone. No thank you. I want to live...really live, not just be a cog in a wheel or cookie-cut number in a system. You are more than your job. You are more than your income. You are more than what degree you have from where. You are more than all the "merit" based things we judge people by in our society. It's ridiculous.
Honestly, some of the happiest people I've ever met were also the poorest people I've ever met. They know the value of the people around them, friends, family, community...of hard work for things that matter...like the ability to eat, or being able to help someone else out that's struggling...
As much as I love technology and media and everything else... There's freedom in simplicity, and so many of us are losing what it means to be alive. When's the last time you really felt alive? For me...it's been rare, fleeting moments... when I've almost died... when I've done something crazy and adventurous... when I've found friend that together were able to build something and be more than we were alone... *sigh* There's gotta be more...
Eating poorly:
It's not all about the bacon and the chocolate and everything else...
I've had a radical diet change in the last year due to a bad health report, and I have to say...ya'll... I feel SO much better physically than I did! I get as tired as quickly...I've lost weight...I'm not depressed as much... I sleep better... I feel better (not in pain, lethargic, etc)... What you eat really does make a BIG difference in your life...and on that note:
Wellness - Since we've talked about how eating better improves things, in the same way, getting a little exercise (which doesn't have to be the gym...walk around, go hiking, help people move stuff, do some physically excreting work...) on a regular basis also helps your body function better, which in turn makes everything feel and seem better... seriously. In the same regard, getting enough sleep at night makes another HUGE different in how everything feels, seems, functions, etc...
I can honestly tell you from working in pharmacy for years past, if people just had a balanced diet, slept about 8 hours, did about 30 minutes of exercise daily, and made sure to wash their hands, bodies, food, etc each day in attempts to be hygienic, something like 70-80% of all the illnesses in world would be cured. Seriously!! If we all just did that... *sigh* Isn't anyone else sick and tired of being sick and tired?! You can actually do something about it... I found out. (*subnote, balanced diet may have to include vitamins if not available otherwise...Water too...drinking mostly clean water instead of other things...)
Don't get me wrong, economically, it makes sense, but we have gone WAY overboard with this way of thinking... So much so, that people feel they have to choose a certain college degree to only work in that specific type of job for the rest of their lives...
SAYS WHO?!?! Read the story of ALMOST ANY HISTORICAL FIGURE...and you'll quickly find that hey did many different things over the course of their lives... it's wasn't all some silo'd one-way street. That just ridiculous... I mean, it's cool if you have a dream that your devoting your life's work to, but no one ever made some rule of existence that says you can only do or be one thing. Yeah, no.
Alright...again, there are several more, but this all I'm posting for now. I've spend like 20 minutes on this already... >.>