The Bible clearly teaches that "Faith without works is dead." i.e., the absence of a real, born-again conversion relationship. The opposite is obviously true then: "Works without faith is just as dead." The whole Bible revolves around the marriage relationship between a man and woman-- bride and groom; husband and wife; Jesus confirmed this at the town of Cana when Mary, who was likely in charge of organizing the town wedding possibly for a family member, asked her Son to intervene by turning water into true wine-- the richness of a true, loving relationship that represents the Holy Spirit. The Lord is forever faithful to His bride, the church (all true Christian believers who love God and one another spiritually). But, God considers people's free-will to be sacred. There are dire warnings in the Bible about people who knowingly (with a sound mind) turn their back on God or reject God's love and mercy offered as a free-gift and who instead want to make up our own Covenant rules, and try to save ourselves on our own terms. Doubting God's word and faithfulness is similar to blaspheming God, by making an idol out of ourselves. Having a heart of entitlement is also a form of blaspheming God's Spirit. The veil of this life, like the atmosphere around the earth-- the Garden of Eden-- and the Blood of Christ, covers all sin. But, if people insist on blaspheming their marriage to Heaven, it can become like a marriage where a man or woman is secretly violating their marriage covenant by betraying their spouse. WE can not make up our own rules in life-- that is idolatry and can degrade into blasphemy-- lying to God. Eventually people can end up separating themselves from God, or at least from every reward in Heaven. The Bible even states that divorce can become a "garment of violence." Since Jesus said that abusing a child can wind a person up at the bottom of the sea-- a reference to the Pharoah's army pursuing the Israelites-- Abusing a spouse, usually a man's offense against a woman, but not always, is grounds for immediate divorce. Adultery, a very serious offense in the military, is perpetrating violence against a marriage, which Jesus taught is grounds for divorce, and by implication, so is abusing a spouse or children. No woman is bound to a violent man. Except for civil or national defense or defense of vulnerable people, violence was and is foreign in the community of Christ.