Hi. I am a Christian, and I'm assuming everyone reading this is as well, or seeking Christian advice. I am writing this to express both my sadness and anger of people's lack of understanding and cruelty toward the LGBT community. Most people treat these people so poorly due to religious reasons. I am a straight female. Am I ever going to fall in love with a woman, or turn into a man? No. I'm not. However, that does not give me the right to judge or treat anyone discriminately because of their choices. Does the Bible say homosexuality is wrong? Yes. I'm not denying that AT ALL. But that's just a minor detail of the Bible. We all read the Bible seeking information and understanding of God's love and how his son, Jesus Christ, made the ultimate sacrifice for us. The majority of the Bible contains how humans should love and embrace and show kindness to every human being. I am so sick of people being hateful towards people who make their decisions THAT DO NOT AFFECT ANYONE BUT THEM. What I mean by that is, even if you don't personally agree with homosexuality, which is perfectly fine, you can't be discriminatory towards people who have a different belief and are making their own choices. Especially when you aren't personally affected by their sexuality in anyway. If you think homosexuality is a "sin", you must think the world is some perfect place where no one ever does anything wrong. I have news for you. People do much worse things than love someone of the same sex. People who identify as homosexual cause no harm whatsoever. The type of thinking that anyone who goes beyond a stereotype of what the ideal human should be is sinning is ridiculous. I guarantee every person reading this has done something against God's word. And I'm sure if people showed you hate and cruelty because of it, you would feel insecure about yourself too. So instead of shutting people down for being different, let's lift everyone up. We all bleed red. We are all human. And we are all God's children. We should treat people as that, regardless of sexuality, race, gender, or anything else that people may have an issue with. If you are truly Christian, you would show love and acceptance to everyone. Not just people like you. I am not saying all Christian people do this, but at my high school, there has been severe bullying by people who use their religion as an excuse to torment a homosexual guy at my school. And I'm tired of it. The world will always have problems if people focus on the differences of people in a negative way instead of embracing them. There are so many worse things that happen than someone identifying themselves as homosexual. Let's remember one thing: just because you personally disagree with something, you shouldn't try to bring other people down. Show love to everyone.