I'll tell you how it works. You've sinned. Lots of times. Just like everyone. You're still a Christian. Just because people don't agree with one part of the Bible doesn't mean they can't be Christian.
Oh good. You explained it all to me. Good to know a master bible expert like you is able to tell me how the bible works. We'll just ignore those unbiblical statements you made, though, so you don't look bad, ok? *wink wink nudge nudge
There is a biblical distinction between a person that sins, as we all do, and a person who actively, purposefully, willingly engages in specific sin over and over.
You are so adamant about this subject you either must be questioning your own sexuality or know someone who is gay. Or just here to troll. Why not be honest about the real reason you're here? Quit dodging the statements made that discredit your arguments and face them head on. Stop repeating the same tired argument. You haven't really made any solid argument. You just keep saying 'so what if they sin, we all sin'. Does that excuse sin? Guess we didn't need Jesus to die, cause sin is no big deal, cause we all do it.
Truth is you have no ground to stand on in defending homosexuality biblically. The only right thing you've said so far is that homosexuals should not be mistreated, just like anyone else on the planet. And, i don't mistreat them. Never have. In fact i've worked with a number of homosexuals and they never even knew my stance on homosexuality because i didn't feel a need to tell them. Some of them were nice people i enjoyed working with. Some were jerks i couldn't stand.
So you can come here with whatever motives you're hiding, but the truth is, God say it's an abomination. The end. Anything more about it than that is just your opinion, and that does not trump Gods word.