First of all your advice is not biblical.
Huh. Funnily enough, I don’t remember claiming my advice was biblical. I gave general life advice that would help both the OP and their sibling.
Jesus12 is not being hung up on her sibling's sexual life, she is concerned and so is Jesus.
Jesus12 is clearly hung up on her sibling’s sexual life. She has no right to be concerned about what he does with his body. If he feels like talking to her about it, then perhaps she has ground to stand on, but otherwise she shouldn’t be involved. I would be fairly disgusted if my own siblings were to try to moralise to me on such matters.
It may be theirs and it has a lot to do with her since she is a Christian and she along with other Christians are being forced to accept the homosexual lifestyle as normal, not wrong and if we do not accept it, we are called bigots, morons, ignorant, haters, etc.
Even Christians are getting annoyed at the persecution complex some of you seem to have. That’s when you know it’s getting bad.
We can also lose our jobs like Barronelle Stutzman, Jack Philips, the Klein family were they even took out the money in their bank account including what they would give to their church, the ones who own a NY farm, etc.
I can’t speak for any individual cases. If the law was broken, they have to face consequences. If the ruling is unfair, they can appeal it or gather support for the law to be changed.
What they do with their body also will affect him as well as the other person.
If both parties wish to engage in consensual, safe sex, I don’t see a problem.
Her brother is not gay, he just believes he is and might even be engaging in the homosexual lifestyle which is against God and goes against the institution of marriage as ordained by God in Genesis and as quoted by Jesus in Matthew and in another gospel which I just forgot.
He ‘believes’ he is gay. Uh huh. Is that like how you believe you’re straight?
She should love her brother as a fellow but he is not gay in God's eyes, yes Jesus loves him but he does not approve of someone going against His design for them. This is not about want she wants them to be, it is what God wants them to be since he made them male and female and according to His plan, those unnatural desires go contrary for His will for their life.
It’s perfectly natural. In fact, rather embarrassingly, I caught my dog at it once. Regardless, something being natural does not make it good and something being unnatural doesn’t make it wrong. Plenty of good things are unnatural: medical care. Some natural things are not so good: poisons and rape. Also, freedom of religion is a thing. Said brother may not particularly care for what his sister thinks her God thinks of him. And unfortunately God seems to be an excuse for people to be bigoted towards their fellow man at times.
Gooey, God loves and created you to know him personally. He has a plan for your life. The condition of man is sin (rebellion, passive indifference, etc) against God.. Due to that we cannot know God personally or experience His love and plan for our lives. So we try works-based religion, having moral character, no religion, etc. Nothing works, they all fail. But God sent his Son Jesus to the world to live a pure and sinless life, to die on the cross for your sins, and to rise again on the third day. If you accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and sovereign Lord, that he died on the cross for your sins, and rose on the third day you will be saved and will not go to hell but will go to heaven when you die. In order to accept Him, pray a prayer like this. Dear Father in heaven I accept Jesus as my personal Savior and sovereign Lord. That he died on the cross for my sins and rose again on the third day. Help me to follow in your ways and not to follow what culture, the media, etc wants to feed me which I now believe. Help me to be conformed to your Son and not conformed to the power of this world. Help me to love those who will now hate me and to pray for those who persecute me and ultimately persecute you. In the name of Jesus, Son of God and Son of Man. Amen.
I’m happy with who I am, thanks.