What exactly is feminism, the defination of its seems to change depending who
you ask, what time of day it is, the gender of the person etc.
To me it seems to be a word used to describe butch, tough, chain yourself to the
railings type of women. Lol
So what is it exactly, does it mean women sticking up for their rights, equal payment, right
to vote, right to work outside the home etc.
Or is it used in a derogotive way to suggest a woman's place should be in the home if it
wasn't for feminism or to somehow suggest it goes against the natural order of things.
Or is it women pushing and pushing more to assert themselves to the point where
they want to be the boss etc.
Or is it just plain and simple common sense in that there is no reason why a person
should be discrimated against just for being female.
Or maybe it's all of the above etc.
One point I would add is that people talk of feminism as if it's a female creation.
But in the UK at least, the politicians are the ones who are pushing mothers out to
work whether they want to or not. That and the fact that most couples cannot afford
the luxury of one remaining at home to take care of the children even if they want to,
means that at least this specific issue is separate from the overall issue of feminism.
Does feminism even exist any more, has the world moved on from this, I think maybe
it has.
Is there a manism movement.