It says that baptism is the representation of the ark that saved. Actually, the word means corresponding, or antitype. So water baptism is the antitype of the type, i.e., the ark.
HeRoseFtD: You said before that an unbeliever wouldn't bother getting water-baptised. Hmm. So it's the person who is ALREADY a believer...saved...born-again...THAT's the person who then should get water-baptised. Not as a MEANS TO, but as a RESULT OF, salvation.
It says we are saved through water. The ark represents Christ- those who are IN Christ will be saved, but baptism is how we get into Christ (Romans 6 I believe it's verse three). The fact that Christ saves means nothing to us unless we get into Christ, and baptism gets us into Christ - therefore baptism saves- just like the bible says. It says it's not a physical thing like removing dirt from the body, but a spiritual thing by giving us a clean conscience towards God. In this symbol, who ever cleaned their body with a boat instead of with water? What they are trying to do is say that baptism does not save, or that baptism is not how you get into Christ- which is not what the bible says.
Two wrongs don't make a right.
'The fact that Jesus saves may mean nothing to YOU,
prior to water-baptism,
but please drop the word 'US' from that statement.
'The fact that Jesus saves' means everything to me,
and countless others, long before our water-baptisms,
(some of whom might not have taken part in that ceremony,
it doesn't mean they weren't/aren't saved.)
WATER-Baptism is not what 'gets us into Christ',
We 'get into Christ' by grace through faith In Him
and His FINISHED work on the cross and His resurrection.
Why do so many here want to deny people their salvation
unless and until THEY DO a ceremonial water ritual?
(And don't try playing the little game of accusing me
of saying 'don't get baptised'. I never said that.)
I'm saying water-baptism is something we do
as a public declaration of our identity with Christ,
not as a means of 'getting',
but as a result of having 'already gotten'.
And I will go so far as to say Some ppl actually can
and DO 'get water-baptised' before or simultaneously
with salvation.
For those before? Maybe they didn't fully believe
or understand, or felt pressured into it by some legalists
telling them they're not saved unless they get water-baptised.
Hopefully after, they come to fully believe/receive salvation.
They can then get baptised again if they want to.
Many do it again after having a greater understanding,
or as a re-dedication, or they went to the River Jordan.
Maybe for some they are saved simultaneously
as they're being water-baptised.
But many get water-baptised AFTER getting saved,
and some not water-baptised at all.
Who are we to judge their salvation?
The bible says 'Believe' on the Lord Jesus Christ,
and THOU SHALT be saved. Anyone can do that,
anytime, anywhere, with or without a pool of water.
That's the far-reaching love and grace of God
our Savior Jesus Christ, Hallelujah!
Thank you, Lord!