Water baptism is essential as part of the salvation plan of God,and if it is part of the salvation plan of God,then it comes from God,and not from us,so we have to take heed to it.
The Bible says baptism does now save us,not the washing away of the filth of the flesh,but a good conscience towards God.
Jesus said he that believes,and is baptized,shall be saved.
Jesus said we must be born of water,and the Spirit.
The Bible says if we are buried in the likeness of Christ's death,planted together with Him,then we shall rise to newness of life,along with Christ.
The people in the book of Acts,that were baptized unto John's baptism,had to be rebaptized in the name of the Lord.
We have to identify with the man Christ Jesus,who as a human went through 3 steps in providing salvation for mankind,and we being human have to go through those 3 steps,but we are a living sacrifice unto God.
The sins of the world were placed upon Jesus,and He died,and was buried,laying down those sins,and rose again,and we have to repent of our sins,dying out to sin,being water baptized,laying down those sins,and we rise to newness of life,receiving the Spirit.
Water baptism is essential,and is part of the salvation plan of God,and comes from God,and not from us.
As far as the thief on the cross,we can only do what we can do,and we can only follow that which we know,which in certain circumstances baptism can be bypassed,because God is a fair,and just God,that will overlook some things,if it is a legitimate reason,which people not knowing the truth of the Bible,and Jesus,can have a chance to be with God,after the millennial reign of Christ,when the dead rise to be judged,if they met the criteria,which they did not have to be water baptized,but will be judged on their belief in a higher power,that loves people for He provided for their needs,which creation testifies of this,and their conscience,for love is the fulfilling of the law,so if they lived their life loving people,because they saw in creation,that it is what they should do,and had a repentant heart to honestly do what is right,they should be able to be with the saints after the millennial reign of Christ.
We can only do what we can do,and we can only follow that which we know,so baptism can be bypassed in certain circumstances,if it is a legitimate reason.
1.The thief on the cross acknowledged Jesus as Lord,and Saviour,when he said,Lord remember me when you come in to your kingdom,and Jesus said,today you will be with Me in paradise.Baptism was bypassed because the thief had no way to be baptized,for he was on the cross,and could not do it,and God is a fair,and just God,that will not condemn him for something out of his control.The thief was saved.
2.Somebody comes to Christ,and accepts Him as Lord,and Saviour,and believes the full Gospel message,and even water baptism,and does not haste to get baptized,but on the way to the Church to perform the baptism,the person is in a car accident,and dies,not being able to get to water baptism,water baptism is bypassed,for God is a fair,and just God,and will not condemn the person for something that is out of the person's control,for God knew it was in the person's heart to get baptized,but tragedy struck,so baptism is bypassed,and the person is saved.
3.Lack of understanding about baptism,with the person honestly not trying to deny truth,but reading the Bible,or not able to get a Bible yet,but never gets around to understanding water baptism,with no fault of the person,and dies not being water baptized,whenever the person dies,which this lack of understanding coming from the preachers mainly,not preaching water baptism,which can apply to a foreign country,where the preachers,preach Christ,and His shed blood,and they believe with all their heart,but the preachers do not preach water baptism,so the people do not look for it,and might not get around to ever understanding it,and they die,water baptism is bypassed,for God is a fair,and just God,and the person is saved.
Or any circumstance,that is a legitimate reason,with no fault on the person's part,that they do not get water baptized,water baptism can be bypassed,for God is a fair,and just God,and the person saved.
We must be born of water,and the Spirit,but in certain circumstances water baptism can be bypassed,if it is a legitimate reason,for why it did not get performed,and out of the control of the person,for the Old Testament saints were not water baptized,and they shall enter the gates of heaven,and people that never heard the truth,that believed in a higher power,and loved people,and met the criteria,were not water baptized,and they shall enter the gates of heaven.
But to people that hear we have to be water baptized,and do not check it out,and ignore it,for whatever reason,they refuse to believe,because of their own belief,or faulty preaching,when God said when somebody claims to be preaching the word of God,then search the scriptures daily to see if it is true,and they hear we have to be water baptized,and but do not want to believe it,or check it out,they will be accountable,especially when people show them scriptures,of even Jesus Himself saying we have to be water baptized,and they do not believe it,then they will be accountable.
So anybody that preaches the full Gospel of Christ to somebody,the burden lies on them,with what they will do with that,and they will be accountable,but some preachers do not preach the full Gospel,and some people,with no fault of their own,with a legitimate reason,never understand it,like foreign countries,but believe in repenting,and the blood of Christ,if it is no fault of their own,baptism can be bypassed.
As far as people looking at water baptism as works,it comes from God,and not from us.
Also they have works confused,for the book of Romans is addressed to the Gentiles,to point them to Christ,and not saved by works is not talking about after we are saved,but Paul is telling the Gentiles that they are not saved by their works,lest any man should boast,but they are saved by accepting Jesus,because Paul was pointing them to Christ,which means,Paul was telling the Gentiles that they are not saved in their religions,and their works,to think they have favor with God,and a relationship with God,apart from Christ,but they have a relationship,and favor with God,by accepting Jesus.
Not saved by works is not talking about after a person is saved,but it is saying that anything we do,any works we do,apart from Christ,will not save us,or benefit us,but only by accepting Christ,are we saved,and then after we are saved we have to have works of the Spirit,to have faith active in our life.
Not saved by works is talking to the Gentiles,that they are not saved by their works,in their religions,apart from Christ,for if a person is without Christ,their righteousness is as filthy rags,and there is none that does good,no,not one,but they are saved by accepting Christ,and receiving His Spirit.
So since not saved by works is not talking after we are saved,then water baptism cannot be a work that is apart from Christ,which not saved by works is talking apart from Christ,and it comes from God,and not from us.