Hell. It is in the Bible isnt it?

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Apr 22, 2016
Revelations of St. Teresa of Avila, Mystic, Confessor, and one of the 33 Doctors of the Church

"While I was at prayer one day, I found myself in a moment, without knowing how, plunged apparently into Hell. I understood that it was Our Lord's Will that I should see the place which the devils kept in readiness for me, and which I had deserved by my sins. It lasted but for a moment, but it seems to me impossible that I should ever forget it even if I were to live many years.

"The entrance seemed to be by a long narrow pass, like a furnace, very low, dark, and close. The ground seemed to be saturated with water, mere mud, exceedingly foul, sending forth pestilential odors, and covered with loathsome vermin. At the end was a hollow place in the wall like a closet, and in that I saw myself confined. All this was ever pleasant to behold in comparison with what I felt there. There is no exaggeration in what I am saying.

"But as to what I then felt, I do not know where to begin if I were to describe it; it is utterly inexplicable. I felt a fire in my soul but such that I am still unable to describe it. My bodily sufferings were unendurable. I have undergone most painful sufferings in this life, and, as the physicians say, the greatest that can be borne, such as the contraction of my sinews when I was paralyzed, without speaking of other ills of different types yet, even those of which I have spoken, inflicted on me by Satan; yet all these were as nothing in comparison with what I then felt, especially when I saw that there would be no intermission nor any end to them.

"These sufferings were nothing in comparison with the anguish of my soul, a sense of oppression, of stifling, and of pain so acute, accompanied by so hopeless and cruel an infliction, that I know not how to speak of it. If I say that the soul is continually being torn from the body it would be nothing for that implies the destruction of life by the hands of another but here it is the soul itself that is tearing itself in pieces. I cannot describe that inward fire or that despair, surpassing all torments and all pain. I did not see who it was that tormented me, but I felt myself on fire, and torn to pieces, as it seemed to me; and I repeat it, this inward fire and despair are the greatest torments of all.

"Left in that pestilential place, and utterly without the power to hope for comfort, I could neither sit nor lie down; there was no room. I was placed as it were in a hole in the wall; and those walls, terrible to look on of themselves, hemmed me in on every side. I could not breathe. There was no light, but all was thick darkness. I do not understand how it is; though there was no light, yet everything that can give pain by being seen was visible.

"Our Lord at that time would not let me see more of Hell. Afterwards I had another most fearful vision, in which I saw the punishment of certain sins. They were the most horrible to look at, but because I felt none of the pain, my terror was not so great. In the former vision Our Lord made me really feel those torments and that anguish of spirit, just as if I had been suffering them in the body there. I know not how it was, but I understood distinctly that it was a great mercy that Our Lord would have me see with my own eyes the very place from which His compassion saved me. I have listened to people speaking of these things and I have at other times dwelt on the various torments of Hell, though not often, because my soul made no progress by the way of fear; and I have read of the diverse tortures, and how the devils tear the flesh with red-hot pincers. But all is as nothing before this. It is a wholly different matter. In short, the one is a reality, the other a description; and all burning here in this life is as nothing compared with the fire that is there.

"I was so terrified by that vision and that terror is on me even now as I write that though it took place nearly six years ago, the natural warmth of my body is chilled by fear even now when I think of it. And so, amid all the pain and suffering which I may have had to bear, I remember no time in which I do not think that all we have to suffer in this world is as nothing. It seems to me that we complain without reason. I repeat it: this vision was one of the grandest mercies of God. It has been to me of the greatest service, because it has destroyed my fear of trouble and of the contradictions of the world, and because it has made me strong enough to bear up against them, and to give thanks to Our Lord who has been my Deliverer, as it now seems to me, from such fearful and everlasting pains.

"Ever since that time, as I was saying, everything seems endurable in comparison with one instant of suffering such as those I had then to bear in Hell. I am filled with fear when I see that, after frequently reading books which describe in some manner the pains of Hell, I was not afraid of them, nor made any account of them. Where was I? How could I possibly take any pleasure in those things which led me directly to so dreadful a place? Blessed forever be Thou, O my God! And oh, how manifest is it that Thou didst love me much more than I did love Thee! How often, O Lord, didst Thou save me from that fearful prison! And how I used to get back to it contrary to Thy Will.

"It was that vision which filled me with very great distress which I felt at the sight of so many lost souls, especially of the Lutherans for they were once members of the Church by Baptism and also gave me the most vehement desires for the salvation of souls; for certainly I believe that to save even one from those overwhelming torments, I would willingly endure many deaths. If here on earth we see one whom we specially love in great trouble or pain, our very nature seems to bid us compassionate him; and if those pains be great, we are troubled ourselves. What, then, must it be to see a soul in danger of pain, the most grievous of all pains, forever? It is a thought no heart can bear without great anguish. Here we know that pain at last ends with life, and that there are limits to it, yet the sight of it moves us so greatly to compassion; that other pain has no ending, and I know not how we can be calm when we see Satan carry so many souls daily away.
"This also makes me wish that, in a matter which concerns us so much, we did not rest satisfied with doing less than we can do on our part that we left nothing undone. May Our Lord vouchsafe to give us His Grace for that end."

\One of the great dangers of this century, and thus one of the great triumphs of Satan, has been the growing disbelief in the existence of Hell. For many, Hell has become a fable, a myth, an outdated holdover from "the Old Testament God of fire, brimstone and judgment." Urged on by false doctrines and a want to believe that there can be no such thing as eternal punishment for serious wrongs "when Jesus is a God of love and kindness," many have thrown Hell out the window along with concern for sin. After all, if there is no Hell, then why need there be concern for sin? Unfortunately, they forget that "I am the Lord and I change not" (Malachi 3:6). Hell has not suddenly evaporated because we would prefer it so. How subtle Satan is in these times. He increasingly tricks people into his web by disguising its very existence. He wants you to let your guard down. Please do not be deceived. Hell, eternal punishment for serious sins, exists. Scripture, the Church and reports of modern-day visionaries all confirm that Hell is a reality never-ending reality for those souls who must reside there with Satan and all the other damned forever, because by their own free will and choice they rejected God while on earth and excluded themselves from communion with Him.

The Bible and Hell

There are over thirty repeated references to the existence of Hell in the Old Testament alone. For instance: "The sorrows of death have compassed me: and the perils of hell have found me" (Psalms [D-R] 114:3). "For the Lord Almighty will take revenge on them. In the day of judgment he will visit them: for he will give fire and worms into their flesh, that they may burn, and may feel for ever" (Judith 16:20 -21). "Depart from me, come not near me, because thou art unclean: these shall be smoke in my anger, a fire burning all the day" (Isaias 65:5). "A fire is kindled in my wrath, and shall burn even to the lowest hell...I will heap evils upon the transgressors of my law, and will spend my arrows among them" (Deut.32:22-23). "The congregation of sinners is like tow heaped together, and the end of them is a flame of fire" (Ecclesiasticus 21:10). "He shall be punished for all he did, and yet shall not be consumed:...he shall burn, and every sorrow shall fall upon him...All darkness is hid in his secret places: a fire that is not kindled shall devour him" (Job 20:18,22,26).
In the Gospels, Jesus speaks of Hell more than of Heaven. In St. Matthew's Gospel, Jesus says "But I say to you, that whosoever is angry with his brother, shall be in danger of the judgment....And whosoever shall say, you fool, shall be in danger of hell fire" (St. Matt. 5:22). "The Son of Man shall send his angels and they will collect out of his kingdom all who cause others to sin and all evildoers. They will throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth" (St. Matt. 13:41-42). In St. Mark's Gospel, Jesus warns: "And if your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter into life maimed than with two hands to go into hell, into the unquenchable fire..." (St. Mark 9:42).
A description of the last judgment in the Book of Apocalypse clearly makes the point: "And I saw the dead, great and small, standing in presence of the throne, and the books were opened; and another book was opened, which was the book of life; and the dead were judged by those things which were written in the books, according to their works. And the sea gave up the dead that were in it, and death and hell gave up their dead that were in them; and they were judged every one according to their works. And hell and death were cast into the pool of fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life, was cast into the pool of fire" (Apoc. 20:12-15).
Jesus describes in St. Matthew's Gospel the last judgment as His separation of the sheep (those who loved God and neighbor) from the goats (those who did not). To the goats, Jesus says His indictment will be: "Depart from Me, you accursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. ...And these will go off to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life" (St. Matt. 25:41,46). Jesus Christ could not have been more clear that each of us, by our choices and conduct, risks eternal punishment after death Hell.

Apparitions of the Damned from Hell

In Chapter 16 of the Gospel of St. Luke, Jesus tells a parable on Hell. A rich man who has died and is in Hell pleads with God to send the poor man Lazarus, who has gone to Heaven, back from the dead to warn his five brothers that Hell really exists. God replies: "If they will not listen to Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded if someone should rise from the dead." However, God is so merciful that He has reportedly allowed certain of the damned in Hell to return to earth to witness to others that there truly is a place of eternal suffering – Hell – for those who disobey God and His commandments. The following are a few examples of many such occurrences – documented in the annals of private revelation.

God's 20th Century Warnings of Hell

In this century alone, the number of persons being chosen by God to witness the reality of Hell is greater then all prior centuries combined. Clearly, as our world moves further away from belief in sin and punishment for sin, God increases His Divine Mercy by granting us more and more confirmations of that reality.

Plz quit posting these walls of text. Stop plz
Mar 20, 2015
One of them from Revelation...

And another angel, a third, followed them, saying with a loud voice, "If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand, he also will drink the wine of God's wrath, poured full strength into the cup of his anger, and he will be tormented with fire and sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever, and they have no rest, day or night, these worshipers of the beast and its image, and whoever receives the mark of its name."
(Rev 14:9-11)
This is not necessarily hell though is it?, I mean, if one is tormented with fire and sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the lamb as you state then holy angels and the Lamb are in hell? presence can mean in the attendance or company of or even immediate vicintiy?.
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Apr 22, 2016
Maybe hell is a real place, the question that many might want to know is where is this place? maybe I am mistaken but from my experience in many places many just want to know what the truth is, there are so many different truths, surely they can't all be right?
Its all in the Bible. Ask The Holy Spirit to teach you. He is faithful to answer your prayer asked with a humble heart
Mar 20, 2015
Its all in the Bible. Ask The Holy Spirit to teach you. He is faithful to answer your prayer asked with a humble heart
That's what many have done and yet many Christians are divided on scriptual matters concerning the truth, they teach different things and all claim Holy Spirit, do you see the confusion as I do?


As I have said 30 times, Luke14:26 is in the Bible. Do you follow it? I hope not.

This is what comes of selective reading to "prove" what we want to push, instead of learning of Jesus.
Willie sometimes Im amazed at you. Jesus wasn't saying hate, the Bible tells not to hate anyone. Jesus told a parable right after talking about counting the cost of following Him. It has nothing to do with "selective reading" it has to do with context. Im not picking a Scripture like an idiot without context. Ive been a Christian a few years, been in ministry and sat under amazing teachers and preachers,I know what the Bible says. So please dont act like I dont know Gensis from the maps. The Bible talks about eternal,literal,fire in hell. You are lying to people if you say that isn't true,and you are putting their life in danger of that hell.


Gods ways are higher than your ways and his thoughts are not yours. Who are you to judge the hearts of all men? God knows what man needs. God deals with people on an individual basis.
Hi msSuzanna how's your day :) I was wondering if you could explain how in the statement you quoted that the person was judging all men? I'm not quite following what you mean and also how does this differ from your teachings you post??
Mar 20, 2015
Ask The Holy Spirit to teach you.
And what if the Holy Spirit tells me to seak the truth? how can I know what the Bible really teaches if I do not understand what the Bible is teaching? there are many more qualified than I could ever be and yet there is divide so what do I do other than search for the truth through those who are qualified or gifted to understand God's word the truth from the Holy Bible, I just go round and round and round till I am dizzy. If I go with my own gut feelings then I choose logic and reason and will agree with others who say that hell is simply the abode of the dead. I honestly do not know though.
Apr 22, 2016
That's what many have done and yet many Christians are divided on scriptual matters concerning the truth, they teach different things and all claim Holy Spirit, do you see the confusion as I do?
I do see the differences but it doesnt concern me really. We simply apply ourselves to studying the word and we dont worry about outward stuff outside our personal relationship with Christ. You need only concern yourself with an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit. He will teach you.

Which btw, are you convinced everyone who says they are christian really are?
Quit following men and follow God.


Maybe hell is a real place, the question that many might want to know is where is this place? maybe I am mistaken but from my experience in many places many just want to know what the truth is, there are so many different truths, surely they can't all be right?
There is One truth, that is in the Bible. Dont let discussions here confuse you. This is a site about opinions. If you want to know the truth go to Amazon and get a Bible that is plain English, they have Bibles for teens that are very easy to read and understand. Jesus Words and there to read. But please do not let an opinion site confuse you and stop you from trusting the Lord. You can and should read the Bible for yourself, do not take any ones words here as truth. Go and find it for yourself.
Feb 7, 2015
And what if the Holy Spirit tells me to seak the truth? how can I know what the Bible really teaches if I do not understand what the Bible is teaching? there are many more qualified than I could ever be and yet there is divide so what do I do other than search for the truth through those who are qualified or gifted to understand God's word the truth from the Holy Bible, I just go round and round and round till I am dizzy. If I go with my own gut feelings then I choose logic and reason and will agree with others who say that hell is simply the abode of the dead. I honestly do not know though.
Just rehashing "What-if" and "what-if", over and over, and over again will get you nowhere.

There is a particular section that you keep thinking about. Whatever that is, take that one small selection, and start a "Pro & Con" notebook on it, writing down everything you can find on it.

THAT is an actual start...... NOT claiming you haven't the ability to learn.


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2013
Honestly asking. Is there a place where Paul and the Apostles go into preaching hellfire? I know they preach Christ crucified.
Apr 22, 2016
Rubiks cube? now that's not easy to work out :confused::D, the Bible is too deep for me in places to understand.
Well, its a process. We must first be on the milk before the meat . Just as a baby cannot walk at first. But yet we never depart from the milk.

1 Peter 2:2
Like newborn infants, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation,
Apr 22, 2016
Honestly asking. Is there a place where Paul and the Apostles go into preaching hellfire? I know they preach Christ crucified.
Are you denying scripture as a whole? I think that should be the question.
This thread is not preaching hellfire. But is is not denying hell either
Feb 7, 2015
Willie sometimes Im amazed at you. Jesus wasn't saying hate, the Bible tells not to hate anyone. Jesus told a parable right after talking about counting the cost of following Him. It has nothing to do with "selective reading" it has to do with context. Im not picking a Scripture like an idiot without context. Ive been a Christian a few years, been in ministry and sat under amazing teachers and preachers,I know what the Bible says. So please dont act like I dont know Gensis from the maps. The Bible talks about eternal,literal,fire in hell. You are lying to people if you say that isn't true,and you are putting their life in danger of that hell.
Oh, stop being so touchy. Everything written here isn't about just you. Selectively picking verses is exactly what the vast majority of people obsessed with "proving" whatever they want to stress does.
Mar 20, 2015
I do see the differences but it doesnt concern me really. We simply apply ourselves to studying the word and we dont worry about outward stuff outside our personal relationship with Christ. You need only concern yourself with an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit. He will teach you.
We are just going in circles, again this is what all Christian denominations say, that they have Holy Spirit guiding them.

are you convinced everyone who says they are christian really are?
That's not my ground to work on, according to those that came before me Jesus Christ is the One who judges?

Quit following men and follow God.
I don't follow nor worship human beings, I am simply trying to understand what the truth really is, I guess I won't really know if I don't look, if I don't knock the door won't open if I don't seek I shall not find, this is all that I can do I can do no more but search for the truth, I am no expert on the Bible and I even struggle with Jesus' parables are they literal or allegory? all I can do is keep on searching for the truth on such matters.


Senior Member
Oct 13, 2014
Rubiks cube? now that's not easy to work out :confused::D, the Bible is too deep for me in places to understand.
Dont act like the whole bible is hard to understand. Most of it is easy. You just dont seem to really commit yourself to learning and understanding it.
Apr 22, 2016
And what if the Holy Spirit tells me to seak the truth? how can I know what the Bible really teaches if I do not understand what the Bible is teaching? there are many more qualified than I could ever be and yet there is divide so what do I do other than search for the truth through those who are qualified or gifted to understand God's word the truth from the Holy Bible, I just go round and round and round till I am dizzy. If I go with my own gut feelings then I choose logic and reason and will agree with others who say that hell is simply the abode of the dead. I honestly do not know though.
The Holy Spirit teaches the truth. You will only go around and around if you dont read it for yourself allowing the Holy Spirit to teach you. Jesus is the word. Just ask the Holy Spirit rather than supposing all these scenarios.
Feb 26, 2015
[SUP]11 [/SUP]Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat upon it, from whose presence earth and heaven fled away, and no place was found for them. [SUP]12 [/SUP]And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged from the things which were written in the books, according to their deeds. [SUP]13 [/SUP]And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead which were in them; and they were judged, every one of them according to their deeds.[SUP]14 [/SUP]Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. [SUP]15 [/SUP]And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.

It does not matter when people teach Hell is only the grave because clearly God says that all those who name is NOT in the Book of Life will be thrown in the Lake of Fire.

If there is no Hell or Lake of Fire or any punishment for those who reject Jesus then why bother accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior if everybody receives the same rewards?

What good will it do if people like Hitler was to receive the same reward as a Christian who devotes his life to Jesus?

This is why some people teach there is no Hell or the Lake of Fire because their deeds are evil and the do not follow Jesus!