i sincerely love the mormons missionaries i've met -- and sincerely pity them. they are greatly deceived, and though they profess to love Christ, they simply do not know Him. what they were told of Him, they love - but they don't understand who He really is, because their church teaches them carefully contrived lies. i remember them often and always pray for them, that what seeds the Sower may have planted through the words He gave me to speak to them might flourish, so they could cast off the darkness they are in and come to know the true Light.
these young ones are sincere people, however misled -- but i've spoken with 'elders' and men & women who know much more about what their prophets actually teach, and about all the contradictions between these things and the actual scriptures that they 'claim' to honor. all of these people i have ever met were liars or willfully blind.
dude, just.. no. this is not like comparing a pentecostal to a lutheran. they are as far removed from actual Christianity as a hindu.
these young ones are sincere people, however misled -- but i've spoken with 'elders' and men & women who know much more about what their prophets actually teach, and about all the contradictions between these things and the actual scriptures that they 'claim' to honor. all of these people i have ever met were liars or willfully blind.
dude, just.. no. this is not like comparing a pentecostal to a lutheran. they are as far removed from actual Christianity as a hindu.