well, u migth all just hate me like lots of people have done (including a girlfriend) for bringing the bible and what it says about speaking in tongues.If u read this i will encourage you to have your bible ready to search it, so i wont show my opinion,( if its my own opinion you will see the diference.), but what the bible says. also try and finish reading the whole thing and confirm with the bible, before making any argument.
"in the last days God says, i will pour out my spirit on all people. your sons and daugthers will prophesy, your old man will dream dreams, your young man will see visions 29, even on my servants, both men and women i will pour aout my spirit" Joel 2:28-29
ok rigth here is a prophesy that God fulfilled already on acts chapter 2. acts 2 is not repeating the same prophesy is just saying that it is fulfilled. it is sad, that many churches still think that this prophesy is going to happen,and still preach about it, because they dont realize that it was fulfilled already on acts.
now, 1 corinthians speaks super clearly about this, i wanna encourage you people to read chapters 12,13 and 14.
its saying dont be ignorants about spiritual gifts,(12:1) and that whatever spiritual gift is given for the COMMON GOOD (1 cor 12:7) for the common good not just my own good. That whatever gift is given, its given by the same Spirit (12:11)
verse 31 gets my attention it says to EAGERLY DESIRE THE GREATHER GIFTS; that means, that some are more useful than others for the COMMON GOOD.
then Chapter 13 comes into place, the love chapter known by many, Paul rigth here is talking about a greater love that we hear being preached. He is saying that whatever gift we have, if we dont do it with love means nothing, so love is more important than the gift itself. (13:13) verse 8 also says that love will never fails, in other version LOVE WILL NEVER CEASE, never ending, everything else will cease including toungues 13:8. now, the question is when?? The answer is on verse 10 (love how the bible explains everything) BUT WHEN THE PERFECT COMES, that wich is in PART WILL BE DONE AWAY.
That's the answer, when the perfect comes, toungues willbe done away because they are in part (13:8) We all agree on that because it is clearly written in the bible.
From there we go to WHATS THE PERFECT? well, many belive that its Christ second comming, others believe that the PERFECT is the time period when the bible was written and put togheter, time period better known as CANNON.
why will prophesy and toungues, will end when the bible is completed?, or the cannon closed in other words? because the bible is a direct revelation from God,2 Timothy 3:16. Everything that we need to know is in the HOLY BIBLE,(including prophesy,dreams, etc.. therefore we dont need any other revelation.
Going back to toungues, in chapter 14 verse one paul says "follow the way of love and eagerly desire spiritual gifts, specially the gift of prophesy" its interesting he dint say specially the gift of toungues.
Prophesy, here is better translating as preaching. Why? because whe you preach you prophesy Crhist seccond comming.
Verse 2 clearly says that, when anyone speaks in toungues NO ONE understand.
14:3 BUt everyone who prophesies (preaches) speaks to encourage , comfort, strenghtening others, (COMMON GOOD)
14:4whoever speaks in toungues edifies himself, thats is no COMMON GOOD, but whoever prophesies (preaches) edifies the Church (THATS COMMON GOOD), later in verse 5, paul goes on to say that he would like everyone to speaks in toungues, but that he prefers that everyone would Preach "He WHO PROPHESIES, is GREATER than he who speaks in toungues" 1 cor. 14:5b
___that unless someone interprets of course. I have seen churches where people just speak in toungues and no one interprest._______ There's also a bible rule for interpreting. 14:27 says"if anyone speaks in a toungue, TWO or the most TRHEE-should speak, one at the time, and someone must interpret" it doesnt say that everyone can talk at the same time, ONE at the time, and someone interpret, and ONLY 3 the MOST.
Later verse 15:28 goes on and says that if theres no interpreter, thos who speak in toungues SHOULD keep QUIET.
I HOnestly Belive many churches are breaking God's direct commandment on that part.
also, many people who presume that they speak in tongues, argue that they cannot controll it, that it just happens. well, i dont believe that the Spirit of God would do something contrary to what the Bible (inspired by the same Holy Spirit) says. if God says 1 at the time and 3 the most in a service then, why do people speak like having no control on that? probably they dont, but doesnt God have control over the Spirit? He woulnt contradict himsel, so i cant control it, is not a valid argument. the bible also says on 1 cor 14:32, that the spirits, are SUBJECT to the control of the prophets, and that God is a God of order, not disorder as we see on some evangelical churches.14:33
in Addition to that, the bible also says that toungues are a sing for UNBELIEVERS not for believers. 1 cor 14:22----- toungues are for not saved people as a sign. specially for jews who are caracterized as people who will always aks for signs to believe according to 1 corinthians 1:22.
I also want to include that the apostol Paul Himself said in 1 cor 14:18-19 that, he was able to speak in toungues, and not just speak, but speak more that anyone else, yet he would rather speak 5 intelligible words to instruct (COMMON GOOD) than 10,000 words in a toungue.
last, but not least, 1 cor 14:38: says "IF HE IGNORES THIS< HE WILL BE IGNORED"
it is sad, that many people who presume to speak in toungues, ignore this, it is my own experience that people dont know this. according to the bible if someone ignores this, God ignores them. Also everything in orderly way. not like drunks.
in conclusion, i believe many people, are being taugth wrong by false teachers. its just an excused to bring people to church and say *see, we speak in toungues, by the spirit, God is Here come here*
i hope this is helpful to anyone who reads this, any feedback positive or negative is welcome. forgive my grammar, english is my second language.
"in the last days God says, i will pour out my spirit on all people. your sons and daugthers will prophesy, your old man will dream dreams, your young man will see visions 29, even on my servants, both men and women i will pour aout my spirit" Joel 2:28-29
ok rigth here is a prophesy that God fulfilled already on acts chapter 2. acts 2 is not repeating the same prophesy is just saying that it is fulfilled. it is sad, that many churches still think that this prophesy is going to happen,and still preach about it, because they dont realize that it was fulfilled already on acts.
now, 1 corinthians speaks super clearly about this, i wanna encourage you people to read chapters 12,13 and 14.
its saying dont be ignorants about spiritual gifts,(12:1) and that whatever spiritual gift is given for the COMMON GOOD (1 cor 12:7) for the common good not just my own good. That whatever gift is given, its given by the same Spirit (12:11)
verse 31 gets my attention it says to EAGERLY DESIRE THE GREATHER GIFTS; that means, that some are more useful than others for the COMMON GOOD.
then Chapter 13 comes into place, the love chapter known by many, Paul rigth here is talking about a greater love that we hear being preached. He is saying that whatever gift we have, if we dont do it with love means nothing, so love is more important than the gift itself. (13:13) verse 8 also says that love will never fails, in other version LOVE WILL NEVER CEASE, never ending, everything else will cease including toungues 13:8. now, the question is when?? The answer is on verse 10 (love how the bible explains everything) BUT WHEN THE PERFECT COMES, that wich is in PART WILL BE DONE AWAY.
That's the answer, when the perfect comes, toungues willbe done away because they are in part (13:8) We all agree on that because it is clearly written in the bible.
From there we go to WHATS THE PERFECT? well, many belive that its Christ second comming, others believe that the PERFECT is the time period when the bible was written and put togheter, time period better known as CANNON.
why will prophesy and toungues, will end when the bible is completed?, or the cannon closed in other words? because the bible is a direct revelation from God,2 Timothy 3:16. Everything that we need to know is in the HOLY BIBLE,(including prophesy,dreams, etc.. therefore we dont need any other revelation.
Going back to toungues, in chapter 14 verse one paul says "follow the way of love and eagerly desire spiritual gifts, specially the gift of prophesy" its interesting he dint say specially the gift of toungues.
Prophesy, here is better translating as preaching. Why? because whe you preach you prophesy Crhist seccond comming.
Verse 2 clearly says that, when anyone speaks in toungues NO ONE understand.
14:3 BUt everyone who prophesies (preaches) speaks to encourage , comfort, strenghtening others, (COMMON GOOD)
14:4whoever speaks in toungues edifies himself, thats is no COMMON GOOD, but whoever prophesies (preaches) edifies the Church (THATS COMMON GOOD), later in verse 5, paul goes on to say that he would like everyone to speaks in toungues, but that he prefers that everyone would Preach "He WHO PROPHESIES, is GREATER than he who speaks in toungues" 1 cor. 14:5b
___that unless someone interprets of course. I have seen churches where people just speak in toungues and no one interprest._______ There's also a bible rule for interpreting. 14:27 says"if anyone speaks in a toungue, TWO or the most TRHEE-should speak, one at the time, and someone must interpret" it doesnt say that everyone can talk at the same time, ONE at the time, and someone interpret, and ONLY 3 the MOST.
Later verse 15:28 goes on and says that if theres no interpreter, thos who speak in toungues SHOULD keep QUIET.
I HOnestly Belive many churches are breaking God's direct commandment on that part.
also, many people who presume that they speak in tongues, argue that they cannot controll it, that it just happens. well, i dont believe that the Spirit of God would do something contrary to what the Bible (inspired by the same Holy Spirit) says. if God says 1 at the time and 3 the most in a service then, why do people speak like having no control on that? probably they dont, but doesnt God have control over the Spirit? He woulnt contradict himsel, so i cant control it, is not a valid argument. the bible also says on 1 cor 14:32, that the spirits, are SUBJECT to the control of the prophets, and that God is a God of order, not disorder as we see on some evangelical churches.14:33
in Addition to that, the bible also says that toungues are a sing for UNBELIEVERS not for believers. 1 cor 14:22----- toungues are for not saved people as a sign. specially for jews who are caracterized as people who will always aks for signs to believe according to 1 corinthians 1:22.
I also want to include that the apostol Paul Himself said in 1 cor 14:18-19 that, he was able to speak in toungues, and not just speak, but speak more that anyone else, yet he would rather speak 5 intelligible words to instruct (COMMON GOOD) than 10,000 words in a toungue.
last, but not least, 1 cor 14:38: says "IF HE IGNORES THIS< HE WILL BE IGNORED"
it is sad, that many people who presume to speak in toungues, ignore this, it is my own experience that people dont know this. according to the bible if someone ignores this, God ignores them. Also everything in orderly way. not like drunks.
in conclusion, i believe many people, are being taugth wrong by false teachers. its just an excused to bring people to church and say *see, we speak in toungues, by the spirit, God is Here come here*
i hope this is helpful to anyone who reads this, any feedback positive or negative is welcome. forgive my grammar, english is my second language.