Ok guys... I want your opinions on this. Yes, I'm going for a "who's right, me or her?" thing, though I will accept "You were right here, she was right here, you were BOTH wrong here, ect." answers.
Ok, facebook lost the first few sentences of the conversation, so I'm going to tell you how it went in general. Also note- I'm in a distanced relationship with my girlfriend. Our families are friend, and my sister is friends with my girlfriend. Over the past few years, since I started going out with her, my sister has felt kinda left out on trips. This Spring Break was supposed to be different for her, a trip FOR her, without me, but because they waited 'till the last minute for plans, it didn't work. Now, here's how this went (K is short for my sister's name, Krysta, and Brit is my girlfriend)
"Me- Hey
her- hey
me- Hey, I thought I might let you know- my dad said easter break was a week. I look it up online and it says only 2 days, so I'm going to have to check the school this Monday, but there MIGHT be a second chance for K to visit
her- Ok, I'll talk to your mom about it. Don't talk to K and get her hopes up or anything, though
Me- Don't worry, i haven't. Just be sure to get it done soon if you want it to happen, 'cause it's only 2 weeks 'till the break
her- I don't feel like being pressured to make plans right now
me- ok.....
her- I've just had surgery, so we really need to just focus on our family right now and not have to worry about plans
me- ok.... =/
her- We really need family time right now, so we just need to keep all of our plans clear with no plans to see Brit any time soon
me- I guess =/
her- I got to go, bye
*she logs off*
about 5 minutes later, she comes on with a rant along the lines of
"I'm sorry this is harsh, but with a family with 6 children, we already have enough confrontation and we don't need a 7th person questioning my authority. You need to just keep your opinions to yourself and not tell your opinions to me or Brit, because we don't need you spreading a negative influence in our family right now."
Now, i come back with something like
"That was completely uncalled for. I have not questioned you in any way, and I HAVE kept my opinions to myself. Can you please provide an explanation as to how I've done wrong? If you can't, can you please give me an apology?"
And this is the conversation word-for-word from there. Also note that about 2/3 down, I WAS wrong about the wording, it WAS trivial, and in the conversation I pushed it off as no big deal anyway XD
I don't know why you went off on me all of a sudden ?
not really but that is not worth argueing about at this point for me
i shared my thoughts with you because of you comments when i said what i did about focusing on our family right now
It kinda is, because I feel like I've been attacked for no good cause and would like either an explanation or apology =(
I made no comments. I said "ok..." and "I guess =/"
you make those negative comments that let me know you disagree
I never said I disagreed... it just shows I don't like it all too much, even if I DID agree
and I may agree with some parts and disagree with others, you just won't know unless you ask me, which you haven't done, so....
this is the very thing i am done doing with you debating about every little thing
the bottom line is you have become a negative influence concerning what we choose for our family and we do not want to hear it anyomore nor do we want brittany hearing it either
support us in what we do as a family or keep your opinion to your self
see? That's what I don't understand... how have I become a negative influence? What have I DONE or CAUSED?
It is the lack of support and encouragement as part of what we do as a family
It is good for us to not commit to anything over the next few months including a committed time or amount of time you get with brit
now you are trying to organing a trip that does not include you but would allow you to see brit
for like 20min tops -.-
a few days ago you wanted me to commit to time on the phone with brit
we are taking it a day at a time right now trying to recover from my surgery and get caught up on school
then we ave a nother surgery coming in 4 weeks that will take me 6 to 8 weeks to heal
this is why your dating retionshio with birit is not important to us right now
we are focusing on us and need you to understand that and support that instead of worrying about what you are going to get out of the deal
can you grasp this at all
Yes, and I still see no reason to shove me to the bottom of all priorities
less important doesn't mean not improtant at all
your are important to brit so you are important to us but you are not a priority right now for any of us
you have to accept that
This may be a trivial thing, but I noticed...
noticed what
You just said "You're improtant to Brit" and "You're not important to any of us" in the same message...
are you going to clarify if not i am going
It may be trivial and accidental, but you just separated Brit from your family there...
doesn't look like unity to me...
I am going to share this conversation with Mr Victor and with your parents hoping that they can help with the situation. Perhaps you and I are misunderstanding one another to the point of conflict.
I'm still confused as to what I've done 0_o
What are you talking about
I'm saying you said Brit thinks I'm improtant, but none of "YOU" think I'm important... so apparently Brit is not any of you?
yeah, prolly trivial and/or accidental...
i said you were important to brit and important to us but not a priority right now due to what is going on in our family at the moment
You said not important to us, pretty sure... prolly a mistype, no worry =)
But please, what have I done wrong?? I don't remember pressing my opinion on anyone....
It is just the negative attitude about not having time with her or the way we do things or a decision we make
and you do share your disagreement with her or me and it is negative and i am asking you to stop and just be a more positive and supporting part of this family or do not be a part at all
And I'm supposed to NOT dislike the idea of not spending any time with her? And more than that, I'm supposed to SUPPORT it?
Tbh, I don't think I've said or even felt much more than "That sucks =(
I am tired of this Andrew, you do not have to like it but you could zoom out a little and be more mature about it instead complaning and questioning us as the parents.
That's the thing, I HAVEN'T complained, I don't know where you're getting this from
This is going nowhere but around and around so please just keep your opinion about what we choose as a family to yourself or share it somewhere else besides with those in our family. We need you to encourage our daughter to honor her mother and father.
That seemed to be the direction you were headed early on in our conversation and I stopped it as soon as I felt it coming. I will not do this with you anymore. We are the final say in our family and we are tired of being questioned about what we do or made to feel we are doing it wrong according to you. That is how you make me feel anytime I tell you what we think or have decided.
I haven't questioned you! The only thing I've questioned in this conversation
is the fact that I've been questioning you XD
and that's because I feel accused and attacked for no reason, haven't been given any examples, and haven't recieved any form of apology....
I will get you parents and Mr Victor to help with this one. For now I am going to stop talking to you about this.
We are not going to get anywhere disagreeing.
kk =/
I just want an example as to hwo I've been questioning you...
2:49pmWanda is offline."
Ok, facebook lost the first few sentences of the conversation, so I'm going to tell you how it went in general. Also note- I'm in a distanced relationship with my girlfriend. Our families are friend, and my sister is friends with my girlfriend. Over the past few years, since I started going out with her, my sister has felt kinda left out on trips. This Spring Break was supposed to be different for her, a trip FOR her, without me, but because they waited 'till the last minute for plans, it didn't work. Now, here's how this went (K is short for my sister's name, Krysta, and Brit is my girlfriend)
"Me- Hey
her- hey
me- Hey, I thought I might let you know- my dad said easter break was a week. I look it up online and it says only 2 days, so I'm going to have to check the school this Monday, but there MIGHT be a second chance for K to visit
her- Ok, I'll talk to your mom about it. Don't talk to K and get her hopes up or anything, though
Me- Don't worry, i haven't. Just be sure to get it done soon if you want it to happen, 'cause it's only 2 weeks 'till the break
her- I don't feel like being pressured to make plans right now
me- ok.....
her- I've just had surgery, so we really need to just focus on our family right now and not have to worry about plans
me- ok.... =/
her- We really need family time right now, so we just need to keep all of our plans clear with no plans to see Brit any time soon
me- I guess =/
her- I got to go, bye
*she logs off*
about 5 minutes later, she comes on with a rant along the lines of
"I'm sorry this is harsh, but with a family with 6 children, we already have enough confrontation and we don't need a 7th person questioning my authority. You need to just keep your opinions to yourself and not tell your opinions to me or Brit, because we don't need you spreading a negative influence in our family right now."
Now, i come back with something like
"That was completely uncalled for. I have not questioned you in any way, and I HAVE kept my opinions to myself. Can you please provide an explanation as to how I've done wrong? If you can't, can you please give me an apology?"
And this is the conversation word-for-word from there. Also note that about 2/3 down, I WAS wrong about the wording, it WAS trivial, and in the conversation I pushed it off as no big deal anyway XD
I don't know why you went off on me all of a sudden ?
not really but that is not worth argueing about at this point for me
i shared my thoughts with you because of you comments when i said what i did about focusing on our family right now
It kinda is, because I feel like I've been attacked for no good cause and would like either an explanation or apology =(

I made no comments. I said "ok..." and "I guess =/"
you make those negative comments that let me know you disagree
I never said I disagreed... it just shows I don't like it all too much, even if I DID agree
and I may agree with some parts and disagree with others, you just won't know unless you ask me, which you haven't done, so....
this is the very thing i am done doing with you debating about every little thing
the bottom line is you have become a negative influence concerning what we choose for our family and we do not want to hear it anyomore nor do we want brittany hearing it either
support us in what we do as a family or keep your opinion to your self
see? That's what I don't understand... how have I become a negative influence? What have I DONE or CAUSED?
It is the lack of support and encouragement as part of what we do as a family
It is good for us to not commit to anything over the next few months including a committed time or amount of time you get with brit
now you are trying to organing a trip that does not include you but would allow you to see brit
for like 20min tops -.-
a few days ago you wanted me to commit to time on the phone with brit
we are taking it a day at a time right now trying to recover from my surgery and get caught up on school
then we ave a nother surgery coming in 4 weeks that will take me 6 to 8 weeks to heal
this is why your dating retionshio with birit is not important to us right now
we are focusing on us and need you to understand that and support that instead of worrying about what you are going to get out of the deal
can you grasp this at all
Yes, and I still see no reason to shove me to the bottom of all priorities
less important doesn't mean not improtant at all
your are important to brit so you are important to us but you are not a priority right now for any of us
you have to accept that
This may be a trivial thing, but I noticed...
noticed what
You just said "You're improtant to Brit" and "You're not important to any of us" in the same message...
are you going to clarify if not i am going
It may be trivial and accidental, but you just separated Brit from your family there...
doesn't look like unity to me...
I am going to share this conversation with Mr Victor and with your parents hoping that they can help with the situation. Perhaps you and I are misunderstanding one another to the point of conflict.
I'm still confused as to what I've done 0_o
What are you talking about
I'm saying you said Brit thinks I'm improtant, but none of "YOU" think I'm important... so apparently Brit is not any of you?
yeah, prolly trivial and/or accidental...
i said you were important to brit and important to us but not a priority right now due to what is going on in our family at the moment
You said not important to us, pretty sure... prolly a mistype, no worry =)

But please, what have I done wrong?? I don't remember pressing my opinion on anyone....
It is just the negative attitude about not having time with her or the way we do things or a decision we make
and you do share your disagreement with her or me and it is negative and i am asking you to stop and just be a more positive and supporting part of this family or do not be a part at all
And I'm supposed to NOT dislike the idea of not spending any time with her? And more than that, I'm supposed to SUPPORT it?
Tbh, I don't think I've said or even felt much more than "That sucks =(

I am tired of this Andrew, you do not have to like it but you could zoom out a little and be more mature about it instead complaning and questioning us as the parents.
That's the thing, I HAVEN'T complained, I don't know where you're getting this from
This is going nowhere but around and around so please just keep your opinion about what we choose as a family to yourself or share it somewhere else besides with those in our family. We need you to encourage our daughter to honor her mother and father.
That seemed to be the direction you were headed early on in our conversation and I stopped it as soon as I felt it coming. I will not do this with you anymore. We are the final say in our family and we are tired of being questioned about what we do or made to feel we are doing it wrong according to you. That is how you make me feel anytime I tell you what we think or have decided.
I haven't questioned you! The only thing I've questioned in this conversation
is the fact that I've been questioning you XD
and that's because I feel accused and attacked for no reason, haven't been given any examples, and haven't recieved any form of apology....
I will get you parents and Mr Victor to help with this one. For now I am going to stop talking to you about this.
We are not going to get anywhere disagreeing.
kk =/
I just want an example as to hwo I've been questioning you...
2:49pmWanda is offline."